UK: Judges throw out conviction of ‘misgendering’ during online discussion – IOTW Report

UK: Judges throw out conviction of ‘misgendering’ during online discussion


Citing society’s need for freedom of speech, two judges in the United Kingdom have reversed a conviction for a mother of two who was charged with calling a man who lives as a woman a “man.”

A report from the Christian Institute says Kate Scottow has had her conviction, under the 2003 Communications Act, overturned.

She had been ordered to undergo a two-year conditional discharge and to pay 1,000 pounds in compensation, but the Court of Appeal decision reversed that.

Lord Justice Bean and Mr. Justice Warby ruled that free speech includes “the right to offend” and pointed out that, “Freedom only to speak inoffensively is not worth having.” read more

11 Comments on UK: Judges throw out conviction of ‘misgendering’ during online discussion

  1. Exactly why human rights tribunals need to be abolishes.

    Kangaroo courts where people are found guilty of offending and made financially liable. Canada, England, Australia etc.

    Do they exist in the USA? I actually do not know.

  2. What needs to be thrown out is every law like this. (And in the U.S. everything similar — campus and business speech codes, social media censoring e.g.)

    Being arrested and going through trial and appeal is itself a punishment that bad repercussions (loss of jobs, kicked out of schools, children taken into foster care, unrecupable loss of reputation, money, time).

  3. “that “misgendering” thing wasn’t going to fly in an Islamic nation anyway…”
    Actually they give flying lessons to that type of person all the time in ME countries, it’s very similar to the flight training taken in FL prior to the 9/11 incident, all take off no landing instruction needed.

  4. The First Amendment is quite specific: “Congress Shall make no law …”

    Doesn’t say shit about Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Colleges, States, or anyone else.
    Of course, if they receive gov’t money (directly or indirectly) all bets are off.

    Basically, don’t put your trust in paper, maggot lawyers, maggot judges, &c.

    izlamo delenda est …

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