“DUMBASS” covers it – IOTW Report

38 Comments on “DUMBASS” covers it

  1. Notice the gun shifted right when it went off. Luckily for him the stock wasn’t resting firmly on the ground. That little shift pointed the barrel away from his head just enough to save his life. This is an example of God looking out for people when it is not their time to go.
    My grandfather shot his right thumb off while reloading a double barrel muzzle-loader shotgun in the 1890’s. The loaded barrel went off while he tamped the one he was loading. It blew the rim off his straw hat and burned his face. All that was left of his thumb was a bony stub that the doctor had to saw off without anesthesia. After recovering he relearned how to play the 5-sting banjo with just his fingers.

  2. It’s called a hangfire, the powder charge doesn’t go off immediately when the trigger is pulled.

    You’d be surprised how often one happens, and how often it happens outside the gun after someone ejects the round immediately after a misfire without waiting to make sure it isn’t just a delayed ignition.

    No one ever seems to mention this in normal firearms safety discussions so many people have no idea it can happen.

  3. I fired a 12ga riot gun in a dark hallway once. I was unloading it and the pump action stuck in the rear position. I giggled it a bit, it finally went *click* and when I moved the action forward, without my finger on the trigger, it went off—pointed at the floor, not my face. I was blinded, my ears rang and all I could smell and taste seemed like it came from hell itself. This post will remain anonymous. 🙂

  4. That was breathtakingly stupid! Reminds me of a couple of my days as an RSO down at Hood. They were all trained and should have known better.

    Been sending metal down range a long, long time, now, and have only recently experienced any hangfires or squibs. It was early last year from a batch of bulk Federal .223. Had a new shooter at the Muni range, familiarizing with AR, when we noticed reduced report and FTE. He performed immediate action, but stopped him in time. Broke it apart and rodded it out. Projectile was lodged just before the gas block. A subsequent round misfired, but cooked off a few seconds later. Sent the batch back.

    Now, I did have a rather memorable hang-fire, once. On a 4-Deuce. We were in the middle of a Section FFE mission. Guess the gun overheated, or AGun failed to properly swab. There was a bit of pucker factor present.


  5. Well, couldn’t find a USA vid of 4-Deuce in action (the dude “hanging” with this gun crew must have been a civie…that is the M120, which the U.S. Army began fielding in the mid-to-late 90s as TOE replacement of the M-30, 4-Deuce. Firing basically same procedure…except for all the phones out: NG).

    Here’s one of a Greek unit firing the Deuce.

    This is closer to what we deployed, though it’s again with the M120. Gun carrier is the same, though.

    Ah, the memories. My ears still buzz.



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