RECK: Politicians Are Arguing Over $600 While China Still Owes Us $2 Trillion – IOTW Report

RECK: Politicians Are Arguing Over $600 While China Still Owes Us $2 Trillion

National Pulse:

At 2020s end, Americans will begin the new year wondering where January 1 rent will come from. Food distribution lines can extend for miles in some American communities. This is happening while China’s debt obligations to Americans not only go unpaid – they are willfully rejected as debts China refuses to acknowledge.

The United States has taken its own debt obligations to China and other international borrowers seriously. Payments are issued faithfully and the stability US Treasuries provide represent a gem among a host of volatile and uncertain investment vehicles in a tumultuous world. This is true while many other holders of various bonds face precarious times.Bonds have historically been a prudent means of investing. When an investor purchases a bond from a corporation or government, they’re essentially purchasing a loan: the investor receives interest payments for a period of years and then will receive the principle amount of the loan when the bond’s period matures. Sovereign debts are bonds issued by nations. These bonds are purchased by other nations or individual investors who see the nation as a reliable borrower that seeks to uphold its international reputation through faithful repayment. A nation that stalls upon or refuses repayment of its sovereign debt can see its reputation and its credit access plummet across the world.

As of late December 2020, China’s US Treasury holdings remains slightly above $1 trillion – an obligation to which the United States pays roughly $72 million daily in interest alone. The United States honors its debt obligations, even while Americans struggle to make ends meet. China, however, is proceeding into the 21st century leaving its debt obligations behind. read more

5 Comments on RECK: Politicians Are Arguing Over $600 While China Still Owes Us $2 Trillion

  1. * The President can immediately resolve this issue by working with the American Bondholders Foundation, which can assign at the President’s authorization all of its holdings of defaulted Chinese sovereign bonds to the US Treasury for pennies on the dollar. This arrangement is readily available and can be done at the President’s choosing;
    * These Chinese bonds can then be presented by the US Treasury as repayment toward US Treasury holdings China owns: essentially a debt swap;
    * This transaction would wipe out any US Treasury obligations to China. The United States would no longer need to be obliged to pay what is determined by the Director of National Intelligence as the primary existential threat to America;
    * The United States is then able to redirect the $72 million in daily interest payments toward other purposes benefitting the American people domestically;

    China is ASSHO, DO IT!!

  2. Deplorable – it isn’t just taking the taxpayers money and running. The FED, with the blessing of Congress, is creating phony money unconnected to the production of wealth. Translated, they’re STEALING our wealth.

    When a country’s money is a fraud, is it any wonder the politics of that country are a fraud, also?

    Shut it down. Article V. Convention Of The States:

    (1) Abolish and ban the FED.
    (2) Create the National Bank Of The United States and tie its currency to valuable metals.
    (3) Require audits of the National Bank Of The United States be performed annually by the States in addition to Congress and its designated Federal Agency.
    (4) (The revised Constitutional list is long. Carry on…)


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