Raffensperger’s Team Leaks President Trump’s Saturday Call to Fake News WaPo — Tells You Everything About the Dirty Georgia Leadership – IOTW Report

Raffensperger’s Team Leaks President Trump’s Saturday Call to Fake News WaPo — Tells You Everything About the Dirty Georgia Leadership

The travesty in Georgia continues.

President Trump held a one-hour long phone call on Saturday with crooked Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and state election officials on the 2020 election in his state that was wrought with fraud.

It’s not clear if Ruby Freeman or Ralph Jones, Sr. were on the call.

In the one-hour phone call on Saturday, President Trump insisted he won the state and threatened vague legal consequences.

Raffensperger’s team leaked the call to the far left Washington Post.
It took 24 hours for the Washington Post to publish this trash.

Trump is right. The liberal media has NO INTEREST in reporting the truth to the American people. And the Washington Post has no interest in investigating the massive amount of fraud uncovered in Georgia the past two months.

Of course, the WaPo only released the selective edits. It’s who they are. more

10 Comments on Raffensperger’s Team Leaks President Trump’s Saturday Call to Fake News WaPo — Tells You Everything About the Dirty Georgia Leadership

  1. What we’re dealing with are Big and Little Enos Burdette of Smokey and the Bandit. I hope Pres Trump has more than a rally to beat these guys. And the other leftist sinkholes.

  2. The way I heard what Wapo put out was Trump was putting them on notice and telling them to choose the right path AND now it is them on record, both he and his lawyer, stating no ballots have been destroyed and no machines are tampered with or have had parts replaced. Want to bet there is evidence to the contrary?! They hung themselves.


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