President Trump Speaks to 300 State Legislators From AZ, MI, WI, PA and GA in Zoom Call, Urges Them to Decertify ‘Unlawful’ Election Results – IOTW Report

President Trump Speaks to 300 State Legislators From AZ, MI, WI, PA and GA in Zoom Call, Urges Them to Decertify ‘Unlawful’ Election Results


President Trump spoke to 300 state legislators from Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania on Saturday and urged them to decertify the false election results for Joe Biden.

The Zoom call was hosted by Got Freedom?, a 501(c)4 nonprofit election integrity watchdog group.

The President spoke for about 15 minutes and urged the lawmakers to review the evidence of lawlessness, fraud and irregularities that occurred in the 2020 election.

Also on the call were Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, professor of law John Eastman, Liberty University Law School Professor Phill Kline, Assistant to the President for Trade and Manufacturing, Peter Navarro and John Lott, Senior Advisor, U.S. Department of Justice (both appeared in their personal capacity). more here

7 Comments on President Trump Speaks to 300 State Legislators From AZ, MI, WI, PA and GA in Zoom Call, Urges Them to Decertify ‘Unlawful’ Election Results

  1. All the legislators have to do is use their totals as of 12 midnight on the third. Those are the correct legal totals. No local, county, state, or Federal Judge can change that date Covid or not. Any vote received after that time is junk.

  2. “This whole thing is going to stretch into February.”

    Trump is no loger President as of noon on January 20th, that’s when his term ends.

    If no one is sworn in as the President for the next four year term at that time then the United States no longer has a legitimate President and with no legitimate President which means no legitimate government.

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