More than 400 Ex-intelligence Officers to Investigate Election Irregularities – IOTW Report

More than 400 Ex-intelligence Officers to Investigate Election Irregularities

Geller Report:

Make no mistake, we are living an extraordinary, unprecedented moment.

Think of it, THE PEOPLE, are taking back our rights, our country, our freedom.

We are doing that.

This entire movement, its investigative arm, is you the people, “the average Joe.”

It’s Americans.

Praise Gd you’re alive.

More than 400 Ex-intelligence Officers to Investigate Election Irregularities

By Terri Wu, The Epoch Times, January 2, 2021:

Over 400 people from the Intelligence Community (IC), military, law enforcement, and the judiciary have formed a loose network to investigate irregularities in the 2020 election.

Robert Caron, one of the organizers of this network, began his intelligence career with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He later worked for the Special Situation Group, a task force established by President George H.W. Bush that includes strategic planning, technologies, and foreign and domestic investigations. more

14 Comments on More than 400 Ex-intelligence Officers to Investigate Election Irregularities

  1. From CNN:

    All 10 living former US defense secretaries declared that the US presidential election is over in a forceful public letter published in The Washington Post on Sunday as President Donald Trump continues to deny his election loss to Joe Biden.

    The letter — signed by Dick Cheney, James Mattis, Mark Esper, Leon Panetta, Donald Rumsfeld, William Cohen, Chuck Hagel, Robert Gates, William Perry and Ashton Carter — amounts to a remarkable show of force against Trump’s subversion efforts just days before Congress is set to count Electoral College votes.

    Most of these guys are swamp critters.

  2. Tim, yup a remarkable show of force by a bunch of TRAITOROUS BASTARDS that have already sold us down the road in order to reap their Ill gotten gains. BASTARDS!!!

  3. Uhm, investigations, more of them?

    Investigation is over it’s time to nail the criminals to the wall.
    I’m sick of listening to the pansy children on the left (and right). You can show them the color red, tell them it’s red and they will say there’s no proof that it’s red and even if it was red there’s not enough of it to make it red.

    Fn fraud deniers.

  4. TimBuktu- Cheney (Who was the real president, no and his daughter Liz. Gotta check liz cheney’s state for vote fraud, too. Don’t know how she got elected when everyone hates her.


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