Congress Approves Rules for Wednesday’s Vote on Electoral College Vote Count – IOTW Report

Congress Approves Rules for Wednesday’s Vote on Electoral College Vote Count

Gateway Pundit:

The majority has to be in both houses according to these traitorous rules. 55 Representatives and 11 Senators is not enough. However, that does not mean it will fail. According to the prior situations and the results/outcomes of prior elections (1800 election and 1887 act) it is really up to the ‘President of the Senate’ which should be VP Pence. He has the authority to decide to accept both packages of electors, none at all from the disputed States, or pick and choose what he decides to count for the final tally. It is going to be a complete show for sure!

See also:

Majority of House GOP Expected To Stand for Trump on Jan. 6

“The Democrats have moved from there’s not any fraud, to there’s not widespread [fraud], and now their new mantra is there is ‘not enough fraud to overturn’ the election,” Grenell told Newsmax, adding that “everybody knows this election was full of fraud.”

VP Pence Backs Move to Challenge Electoral College Certification.

15 Comments on Congress Approves Rules for Wednesday’s Vote on Electoral College Vote Count

  1. Not to kill the drama, but nobody in DC is going to stick their necks out to help Trump, nobody. They’re just raising funds off this electoral college drama the same way the democrats did in 2000, 2004, and 2016. This is a joke. The time for Trump to win this election was a year ago, but the GOP just never figures out what dirty rotten cheaters the democrats really are, and they never will.

  2. Seems our representatives are not very concerned about fraud as long as their guy won. What else would any American who’s paying attention would think think they’d say.

  3. And now that commie Mayor bitch in Washington has called out the National Guard (Does she have the authority) for the rally on January 6th just for traffic control and directions. Riiight! This is all complete bullshit. VP Pence and the GOP Buttholes in Congress will put on a fake show and in the end, do nothing. Crap, Crap, Crap. China Mitch, Evil Witch Pelosi, and Slimeball Schumer have this in hand.

  4. @ The Mule: There are plenty of “dirty rotten cheaters” in the GOP too. Waaaaay too many. McCornhole, Cornyn, Thune, Collins, Murkowski, Sasse, Ryan, romney, Cotton and possibly Pence immediately come to mind…

  5. There is video evidence, sworn affidavits, Dominion Machine evidence and statistical evidence. All of it tangible, very concerning and should overturn any election. But I am hoping that Trump is saving a big explosive piece(s) of evidence for the finale. I am hoping that the finale is not just his rally on 1/6/21. That would be horribly anticlimactic and will sputter out like one of Nadler or Swalwell’s wet farts.

  6. Trump has given the left ample warnings to come clean and for Biden to concede. If Pence doesn’t come thru there is Trump’s 2018 EO 13848 and EO 13959. How many politicians were paid off by the CCP and how did the CCP infiltrate our elections?
    I’d like to see Trump use these EO’s and the Insurrection Act so to arrest all these traitorous bastards and bitches.

  7. Is this correct at the VP Pence Backs Move To Challenge article? It says

    Under this process, if one senator and one House member object to a state’s electors, both houses will separately debate the matter and vote on it. If both choose to reject the electors in question, the 12th Amendment then comes into effect. Since there’s technically no winner in the Electoral College, under the 12th Amendment, each state’s House delegation votes on the president. Since Republicans control more House delegations than Democrats, President Trump would likely win that vote.
    I see–they left out the part where the house needs to vote and we don’t have enough reps anymore? Are Dems going to flip to our side to reject electors based on the 2-hr. sessions?

  8. ok I see what you posted in the beginning from the GP
    The majority has to be in both houses according to these traitorous rules. 55 Representatives and 11 Senators is not enough. However, that does not mean it will fail. According to the prior situations and the results/outcomes of prior elections (1800 election and 1887 act) it is really up to the ‘President of the Senate’ which should be VP Pence. He has the authority to decide to accept both packages of electors, none at all from the disputed States, or pick and choose what he decides to count for the final tally. It is going to be a complete show for sure!

    I got lost in the WEEDS!!

    But so if Pence can pick and choose what’s the problem?
    Is it the SH show Leftists will put on??


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