Who Is ‘Bean Dad’ and Why Is 2021 So Dumb Already? – IOTW Report

Who Is ‘Bean Dad’ and Why Is 2021 So Dumb Already?

Happy New Year! 2020 was not a good time for anybody but Jeff Bezos and the Chinese Communist Party, and the rest of us are glad it’s over. The changing of the year may be an arbitrary, manmade measure of time that isn’t going to make everything better as if by magic, but it does feel good not to have to say “It’s 2020” anymore. A change is as good as a rest, as some dead white guy once said, and the new year has brought with it the hope that things will improve. Life will look brighter. People will learn and grow. The “news” will become less bewildering and exasperating and depressing.

Of course, this hope has already been destroyed.

Brian Welk and Rosemary Rossi, The Wrap:

In a great start to 2021, Twitter brutally took to task a father now dubbed #BeanDad, whose intended “teaching moment” for his 9-year-old daughter turned into the hungry girl spending six hours trying to operate a can opener and to get inside a can of baked beans.

The phrases #BeanDad along with “she’s 9” and “SIX HOURS” all trended on Sunday, as people mocked and criticized the dad, musician and podcaster John Roderick, with some calling him everything from an “a–hole” to “abusive…”

In a 23-post thread, Roderick on Saturday described in great detail a scenario in which he discovered that his daughter didn’t know how to use a manual can opener and challenged her to figure it out on her own.

“I said, ‘The little device is designed to do one thing: open cans. Study the parts, study the can, figure out what the can-opener inventor was thinking when they tried to solve this problem,” Roderick wrote…

“Eventually she collapsed in a frustrated heap… She said, ‘I hate you.’ I’m sure she believes that she does. I said, ‘You understand everything except how the tool addresses the can,” he wrote.

That’s right, it took two professional journalists to write about some guy who made his daughter open a can of beans. more

26 Comments on Who Is ‘Bean Dad’ and Why Is 2021 So Dumb Already?

  1. My grandma was born in 1908. Lived through the great depression World War I, World War II, Korean war Vietnam war 9-11 and desert storm.
    This dad is abusive because his kid couldn’t open a can of beans? During the great depression people ate the leather from their boots.

  2. Couldn’t he have at the very least shown her how to use the can opener first? If making her weight six hours until she could figure it out for herself wasn’t child abuse, it was the next best thing.

  3. When my son got his first apartment after he got his first real job I helped him move in. He wanted to fix spaghetti for the first dinner for the two of us. He had canned spaghetti sauce but could find the can opener. I took the can and walked outside where I rubbed the top of the can on the concrete sidewalk. In less than a minute I had the can open.

    I did teach my kids the skill of critical thinking.

  4. Sorry, but I’m not on his side.

    I would get the asshole to fix his own gas furnace or weld as a lesson. You want to watch that on line shit and play BOOM, Go for it.

    Tell the kid to look it up. Let her watch. Stand next to her and do the first one together. Next Day repeat. that is Teaching the way we were taught not like SOME modern teachers that shop Amazon during the day while they blame parents that kids don’t grasp Common Core. (fuck gates)

    My kid does shit on the computer that I can’t do. I have taught him to climb ships ladders, spark torches, Wash Air Conditioners, and generally step in and assist.

    Want to drown? Learn how to swim by computer.

    Want to accidental Discharge a .45? watch YouTude.

    Opinions may differ but everyone has different teaching & life experience.

  5. I for one, am not ‘on his side’. But my point is, it’s a fucking can opener. She wasn’t in any danger and there was probably an electric one somewhere. lol. Yes, the dad’s an asshole, and probably even a liar for this attention.
    Can opener. Nobody will die.

    If she asks him how to use a vial and syringe for life saving dose of insulin and he says, ‘figure it out’, then there’s an issue.
    Can opener. No.

  6. Open that can of beans for your daughter and feed her a meal.

    Teach her to use that can opener and she can eat beans for life.

    Allow her to figure out how a can opener works and she won’t require participation-trophies.

  7. The dad seems to be attempting, in a male task-oriented kind of way, to teach his daughter about crutical thinking.
    He probably thought if she learns the ability to think for herself with a benign task, then she will have confidence to use critical thinking in a serious situation.
    Sure he could have explained it to his daughter and social media dolts, that this was his objective.

    BTW, if you don’t want critics and trolls commenting on your parenting skills or anything else, stop posting on social media!
    If you’re not in lock step with State progressive doctrine, expect pushback.


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