Californians doing as their elected leaders do — ignoring lockdown orders – IOTW Report

Californians doing as their elected leaders do — ignoring lockdown orders

Just The News-

California has now seen 2,345,909 confirmed cases of COVID-19, and more than 26,000 have died from the virus, according to the state’s public health department.

The number of cases spiked in mid-July, held steady through August and then plunged in September and October, according to state government numbers. But cases began rising in mid-November, hitting previous peak numbers from the summer (about 10,000 per day) — and never stopped going up. By Thanksgiving, they were running 15,000 a day, and the day after Christmas they hit more than 50,000.

Government officials have repeatedly locked down the state. On Dec. 3, California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a new “stay-at-home” order, which prohibited residents from gathering; ordered essential businesses such as grocery stores to operate at 20% capacity; shut down bars, wineries, salons and restaurant dining; and allowed hotels to remain open only for critical infrastructure support.

But that didn’t work, either. On Dec. 22, Newsom said: “Based upon all the data, it’s very likely that we’re going to extend the stay at home order.” A few days later, he did just that.

But with the virus spiking in early winter, reports emerged that Californians weren’t really curbing their gatherings or reducing their ventures outside of their homes. 

“California residents have not greatly reduced their visits to stores and workplaces since Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered them to stay at home in early December,” the Modesto Bee reported based upon a review of mobility trend data collected by Google from cell phones.

“From Dec. 12 through Dec. 18, visits to California stores and restaurants were down an average of 31% compared to a January baseline,” the paper reported. “That’s only slightly different than the 27% decline in visits during the same week a month earlier — before the severe shutdown — and well short of the decline in visits seen during April.  more

12 Comments on Californians doing as their elected leaders do — ignoring lockdown orders

  1. As Californians increasingly thumb their collect nose at Noisesome, Noisesome will crank up the Reichstag Firus bogus case report-o-matic until he realizes he’s announcing more daily cases than there are Californians.

    I can’t wait to see his nasty tyrannical ass recalled.

  2. Wonder how many of those 26000 deaths were nonexistent voters? Guess it doesn’t matter. They will be reliable votes now for Gruesome when his recall comes to pass.

  3. Many cases of flu have been incorrectly diagnosed as Covid 19, according to Top epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski MD. This is from another web site but I don’t want to advertise it here.

  4. Look at the curves by state. Apart from a few jumps, which were caused by government policy rather than reduced (particularly NYC area in spring), the curves just follow the typical Gaussian pattern. In other words, lockdowns do nothing, except perhaps to increase communication of the virus.
    On a related note, NY, which had that terrible spring thanks to Cuomo and has an overall per capita death rate nearly double that of FL… has a current death rate higher than FL! But who’s getting the bad press???
    OPEN IT UP!!!

  5. my neighbor is a lifeguard….he had a rescue call of a diver who rose too quickly and ended up in the Chamber with him for 6 hours….sadly the diver did not make it and they did a post passing test for Covid on him and he was positive so he is one of those California Covid deaths…….Democrats will do anything but tell the truth…..and Newsom is the worst……


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