National Guard called into Washington for pro-Trump rally Wednesday – IOTW Report

National Guard called into Washington for pro-Trump rally Wednesday

Hundreds of National Guard troops will be in D.C. from Jan. 5-7.

Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser said Monday that about 340 National Guard members have been called to the nation’s capital for this week’s major political events – including Congress’ efforts Wednesday to finalize the 2020 presidential election and a rally the same day by President Trump supporters contesting the balloting results that show Democrat Joe Biden as the winner.

14 Comments on National Guard called into Washington for pro-Trump rally Wednesday

  1. SO? You know that there are pallets of bricks on the street. Wha’cha gonna do about it?
    Suggestion: Move it to someplace else, indoors and locked away from twitchy fingers.
    Suggestion: Stand guard around it, each person with a cricket or baseball bat. And the willingness to use it.

  2. …I think they WANT a civil war now. They have no love for their cannon fodder, and they’d probably be quite happy to sit back behind their triple cordon of police, Guard, and military while what they regard as useless eaters on BOTH sides destroy each other, and with an option of bringing their Chinese patron’s army down from Canada and in through San Francisco for mop-up…

  3. All Trump Supporters sho\ul\d bring a can of spray paint they can be used on the visors of antifa helmets. This will destroy their anonymity and cause them to run away like a bunch a little girls.

  4. “That would be “professional white supremacist” / FBI informant / agent provocateur Hal Turner, correct?”

    Turner’s not the best of men, that’s why I said he should be verified, but he does seem to be getting a lot of more reliable news out before anyone else lately, some of it that you won’t be finding anywhere else till much later on.

  5. Rolling up there tomorrow. I am psyched.
    I’ll have pepper spray and knife in pocket just in case.
    Will also be walking with the assistance of a cane I fashioned out of a honey locust tree that I felled in my yard. If necessary it’ll put a hurting on any aggressor.
    I’m not expecting trouble but it’s best to be prepared.

    But my plan gets me in and out of there unscathed.

    I know the city. I know to get out of there before nightfall.

    I’ll send photos as I can. WiFi will be overburdened.

  6. Their 1 and only job will to harass, intimidate and maybe attack Don folk. At least twice in MAGA, and Stop the Steal rallies in DC the last 2 months the police have aided BLM in violent, almost deadly (as in many Trump folk hospitalized) brutal attacks on Don’s protesters.

    The government is generally, not universally, against freedom. For the last few decades governments have wanted a “New World Order” which puts Americans in their place, LAST PLACE!
    the world has never been “fair”. America may have been 100 years ago. But America has not been close to “fair” since 1989. If you think freedom is free you will soon be a subject or serf!

    UNIPARTY was in power from ’89 to ’17. It thinks it is back in power again. UINPARTY has never been shy about brutally, violently putting down CHUMPS and DEPLORBLE Americans.

  7. According to The Lou Dobbs Report this evening, the DC National Guard is the only NG unit in the country that answers directly to the president of the united states and no local authority has any control.

    I bet that idiot mayor shit herself when she found that out!!!!


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