Loomer, Klayman take Big Tech ‘discrimination’ case to Supreme Court – IOTW Report

Loomer, Klayman take Big Tech ‘discrimination’ case to Supreme Court

WND: Laura Loomer, a conservative activist and political candidate, and Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch have filed a petition with the United States Supreme Court charging the “anti-competitive, discriminatory practices” of Google, Facebook, Apple and Twitter violate the Constitution.

Loomer and Klayman first challenged the tech giants in antitrust litigation several years before former Attorney General William Barr raised the issue.

They argue the Big Tech companies’ platforms are a “place of public accommodation,” meaning they are not allowed to censor conservative content.

Klayman, the founder of Freedom Watch and a former federal prosecutor who was on the trial team that broke up the AT&T monopoly, previously said the case asks the court “to overturn the dismissal of their class action complaint against social media companies for restraint of trade, attempted monopolization and illegal political discrimination in a public forum against conservatives, libertarians and people of faith, as the law in the District of Columbia forbids such discrimination.” more

8 Comments on Loomer, Klayman take Big Tech ‘discrimination’ case to Supreme Court

  1. Trying to take on the people that line other people’s pockets. Good luck! If the past four years have taught me anything it’s that she doesn’t have a winning strategy.

  2. Having read it over quickly, I think this is a no go for Cert to be granted on Constitutional (1st Amendment) grounds. It seems to treat the Respondents as government agencies.

    But who knows what the Supremes will do before they do it.

  3. If someone fails to vote, or neglects to research before voting, it means that someone else who shares the same belief’s has to work twice as hard to fill the void.

  4. Nothing burger. Sorry, the elites have too much wrapped up control of social media, google, voting machines etc. You don’t get a say in how these things are done and we are now living in an autocracy.
    Besides, don’t you have taxes to pay?

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