
Right Side Broadcasting Network , NTD

The rally, and other stuff, at Bannon’s War Room.

On stage, Democrat Vernon Jones (Rep GA) just officially announced his switch to become a Republican.

The video above shows the early patriots waiting to hear President Trump speak. Many more people coming in. h/t TheDonald.Win


  1. I beleive the proper perspective is to look at this like a poll, which is to realize that every person who actually shows up at the rally represents 10 or more people with similar values who cannot attend!

  2. Watching on NTD and the speaker’s have been good.
    Donald Trump Jr. has love of country, was passionate, loud, and a fighter. That’s the future of the Republican Party I want to see. MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  3. I had my Amtrak ticket purchased and backpack loaded and was set to go to DC, but when I woke up this morning and saw that Georgia was stolen in spite of the fact that they were being watched closely, I realized that the trip was a fool’s errand. Mission scrubbed.

    Yeah. We stole the election. What are you going to do about it? Welkome to amerikkka komrades.

  4. PHenry
    Don’t be discouraged I know it looks bad, but the Repube’s didn’t want to fight, probably wanted to blame Trump if they lost Georgia, so they wouldn’t have to fight for the electoral votes. I truly dislike those fuckers. MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  5. What I have a hard time wrapping my head around are the pics that have come out showing randomly placed bags of bricks, 2×6’s and old phone booths stacked full of propane tanks. ‘Powers that be’ state these are for construction in the area. What?!? Don’t you mean for demolition, razing buildings and physical harm? I fear for our patriots at this rally and am praying for them to be safe and for our country to be given back to those of us who love it.

  6. Thanks or the reminder Hanz, I’ve got a set of air horns off a switching engine my dad got me about 50 years ago. I dug them out, cleaned them up, and hooked them up. I hear a train a comin.

  7. Nope. Sorry. The republic is finished.

    The voters have nothing to say. The crooked vote counters rule over us. Supreme Court is useless.

    We’re Venezuela now.

    I hate being ‘that guy’, but that’s where I am.


  8. “aerial shot” LOL, like me standing on my tip toes.

    Wish there was an aerial shot, or a drone shot, i know why they cant but…. some of us know words mean something.

  9. someone should check outgoing computers links.
    Betcha surveillance is large. Aerial and close.
    I almost expect that there are feeds to china and facial recognition technology is being used.
    and then they should check the incoming feeds

  10. “Nay, though all things must come utterly to an end in time, Gondor shall not perish yet. Not though the walls be taken by a reckless foe that will build a hill of carrion before them. There are still other fastnesses, and secret ways of escape into the mountains. Hope and memory shall live still in some hidden valley where the grass is green.'”
    JRR Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

  11. Now is when the RNC will gear up the mailout machine to request donations To Take Our Country Back.


    Notwithstanding Biden’s fraud, Trump received more votes than any President or incumbent in history.

    And fuckwads like Romney and Sasse are gloating about losing the House and Senate that they could never win in the first place.

  12. Patriots are storming the capital – it looks like the revolution.
    Okay, we exhausted everything. Now is there a DNI report, was the white hat server / hacks accurate, did foreign countries see and document the theft and if so can we start the arrests with Pence first.

  13. I heard people are storming the capitol, too, Anonymous.

    OK check this out. Pence, while he is probably an elite asshole, actually may have done the correct thing. He didn’t follow that 1800’s rule congress put in place because tons of people are saying it is unConstitutional.
    [So, the states’ legislatures themselves have to deal with the votes, as it says in the Constitution.] Because f the Dems countersue, and you know they will, do you trust fucking SCOTUS? At all?

    THE STATES (which have all of most R legislators) have to yank biden’s electors from him, not Pence.

    That is how I understand the situation.

  14. Pence just folded like a cheap suit. I’m so pissed! They are storming the Capital, my fellow patriots my thoughts and prayers go with you. 🕊️❤️🙏 God Bless America. MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  15. Also heard there was a pipe bomb threat so evacuating buildings. (There HAS to be antifa masquerading as Patriots, as there has been NO violence on that scale from Patriots!) Godspeed and God be with you, fellow Patriots!

  16. CCNV
    JANUARY 6, 2021 AT 1:59 PM
    “…there has been NO violence on that scale from Patriots!”

    …maybe there should have been.

    …maybe there should be.

    They are afraid of them.

    They are NOT afraid of US.

    Thats why we are where we are today…

  17. Great to see patriots storm the gates at the U.S. Capitol but, the States and their idiot and evil leftist constituents are the problem. States must get rid of these socialist traitors in leadership. Time up for the encroaching onslaught of communism in this country.

  18. “Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”

    [Special Message to the Congress on the Internal Security of the United States, August 8, 1950]
    Harry S. Truman

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