Georgia: GOP rejects Trump’s voter base … and loses – IOTW Report

Georgia: GOP rejects Trump’s voter base … and loses

Patriot Retort-

Naturally because nobody in the political establishment ever takes responsibility for anything, the Republican establishment is blaming Trump for last night’s debacle in Georgia.

But Trump isn’t to blame for this.

If he’s looking for someone to blame, Mitch McConnell really needs to look in the mirror.

Explain for me the logic behind this:

You’re a week away from a run-off election in Georgia that will decide control of the Senate. So what do you do?

You override the President’s veto of a massive defense spending bill. Then, to add insult to injury, you block a vote to provide the $2,000 relief checks requested by the President.

In effect, you decide to use the final days before the Georgia run-off to give the President and the American people the finger.

And you think Trump is the reason Republicans lost Georgia?

Yeah, I don’t think so.

21 Comments on Georgia: GOP rejects Trump’s voter base … and loses

  1. Bitch McConnell is looking forward to Biden. He can be a loser again.
    There was cheating in GA yesterday just like Nov 3. Same machines, same Dirty Dems in charge of elections. Same paid off SOS and Gov.

  2. Look at the rallies dipsticks…alas America and Americans can place their trust only in PDJT and few others elsewise we’re screwed.

    Start liquidating your 401’s and spending that savings if you got it (suggest you invest in fire arms and ammunitions, water supplies/services, generators, mres, and toilet paper) — although it won’t be allowed in the re-education camps run by Beto and the butt-bandit mayor.

  3. I’ve said it before… McConnel’s gravy train will keep on rolling regardless of which branch of the Incumbent Party is in the majority, and with the Reps in the minority he doesn’t have to work anywhere near as hard.

  4. This is where we’re at now, instead of steadfastly adhering to the conservative mantra of ,”Government hand outs, free money, is not the answer, opening up the labor markets and getting people back to work earning a paycheck, that’s the American way”, we get into a street fight where the Dems picked the weapon of ,”Who can promise a bigger stimulus check?”, total idiocy.

    The sense of loss, of despondency, is palpable, like a jilted lover I care more about my country than my representatives, its time for an intervention. I need to unplug for a while.

  5. Our race to the bottom has been fast tracked. That’s one positive development. Dems know it too, the next 2 years so much communism is going to be forced down your throat if you live you’ll be gasping for air. It’ll be merciless beating of America.

  6. The frigging Republicans never found a hill they would die on and have been outflanked at every turn and have killed the Republican idea with friendly fire. They have been run into the sea. I would like to give a big thank you to dickless Trey Gowdy who pointed the way to every hill and then ran away to write books and get paid $50K per lecture. I hope he chokes.

  7. Never underestimate the ability of GOPe to take the exact 180 degrees out of phase wrong interpretation of a victory or loss.

    Here’s how it goes:
    1) We lost because we are too extreme and people want unity and compromise.
    2) We won because people want unity and compromise.

    2016 was A New Hope
    2020 is The Empire Struck Back

    The worst of the country is now running our government in every branch with no checks or balances.

    Mitt Romney smiles.

  8. PJParks, I agree wholeheartedly. Fuck Trey Gowdy, fuck Rudy Giuliani, fuck Lin Wood, especially Lin Wood who’s shown himself to be a raving lunatic. Oh, and fuck Lindsey Graham too while we’re at it.

    All of these mouth-breathers running around promising to stir shit up and then just disappearing into the mist without delivering on their promises. The only one who delivered in the past 40 years was PDJT.

  9. Dianny
    WE did not reject! It was the liberal “leaders” of the GOP that rejected Don and lost the election!
    Unfortunately for the last 32 years the leftist GOP “leaders” and the GOP have not been the same; not similar.
    Venn diagram would show no (null, zero) overlap!
    A Venn diagram of low info GOP and leftist “leaders” would show significant TEMPORARY overlap! kBut even those who will not see eventually
    “see the light”!


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