Trump summons National Guard to Capitol, urges peace from protestors – IOTW Report

Trump summons National Guard to Capitol, urges peace from protestors

Hey GOP/RNC assholes, this is aaaaall YOU.
“Waah wahhh… We are a nation of laws! Staaaahp!!!”
Nation of laws??? Where were you when the election was stolen?!

Just The News: President Trump has called in the National Guard to the Capitol Building in Washington, DC as protestors continue to storm the building where the electoral college slate certification was taking place earlier today.

The President and other GOP lawmakers are calling for peace as protestors clash with Capitol police.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) also urged protestors to remain peaceful, tweeting out “Thank you to the Capitol Police for protecting the People’s House. Protestors have a Constitutionally-protected right to be heard, but I urge them to remain peaceful.”

McCarthy told CBS news that “What we are currently watching unfold is un-American. I am disappointed. I am sad. this is not what our country should look like.” more here

19 Comments on Trump summons National Guard to Capitol, urges peace from protestors

  1. Some folks are cross referencing photos from BLM/AntiFa protests and finding they were the same guys leading the charge into the Capital. One fat guy with a beard and another dressed in furs like he’s Davey Crockett. The fat guy has a hammer and sickle tattoo on his hand.

    Maybe fed up patriots but many more larping their way into the foreground to set the media narrative. It’s playing out as planned. 🤦🏼‍♀️

  2. MJA
    JANUARY 6, 2021 AT 4:27 PM

    ““ew ew ewwww they’re touching our stuff!!!!”

    Yeaaaahhhh and I hope they’re touching it with their assholes”

    …the Congresscritters ARE their assholes, so mission accomplished…

  3. Illistr8r, I noticed the same thing. The derelict looking assholes climbing on the building look like the same ones setting fire to Seattle and Portland. The patriots were gathered peacefully this morning when I tuned in, waiting to hear DJT.

  4. They murdered a woman, the video is out now. That is what communist governments do.
    Pence has that woman’s blood on his hands, he professes to be a Christian and it is not for me to see into his heart, but judging him by his fruit, I would say he’s a fraud. Either way, he best get on his hands and knees and beg God for forgiveness and then repent. If he doesn’t repent then we all will know he’s not what he professes.

    They all want to blame Trump and distance themselves from him, all still too damn stupid to see this is bigger than Trump. He can’t put the cap back on the bottle because he never took it off, this government removed that cap decades ago and Trump was the last chance to put the cap back on the bottle.

  5. This is bad. Very bad. The Dems will take this as proof that Trump supporters are insane maniacs with no respect for America. Retribution to follow. It will not discriminate between the actual maniacs and the innocent protestors.

    Sure this is orders of magnitude below what Antifa and BLM did with the tacit and explicit approval of mayors and other officials. But it is being covered natinwide in real time . The media are now calling it an insurrection!

    They let the genie out of the bottle in Baltimore when the mayor let the protestors have space to demonstrate. Now they will have a big problem getting it back in.

  6. This is Bullshit! Antifa was waiting in the aisles before leading the crowd towards the Capital. The only difference was that the umbrella people were not seen (yet) other than the vermin dressed in black skillfully breaking glass windows.

    Pelosi started their war upon Americans the day she tore up Trump’s SOTU Address in front of the world.

    Ever wonder why “career” politicians maintain their un-inturrupted careers? Now you know.


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