Woman Shot Climbing Through Doorway inside Capitol Dies From Gunshot Wound – IOTW Report

Woman Shot Climbing Through Doorway inside Capitol Dies From Gunshot Wound

Warning: Videos at the link.

CTH: A young woman was shot while climbing through  a doorway window in Washington DC today.  It appears from the video, a woman attempted to climb through a side-door window; she was shot from inside the hallway and fell back into a small group behind her.

In the image below she is wearing a red and white backpack, climbing through a broken window next to a doorway when a shot is heard.  She falls directly backward as people, including two uniformed police officers, attempt to render aid. more

SNIP: People are trying to figure out if she’s antifa, since they were the ones to pick locks and bust windows to let everyone else in.

54 Comments on Woman Shot Climbing Through Doorway inside Capitol Dies From Gunshot Wound

  1. Just got booted off of FB for the simple Crime of calling one of My Classmates

    (1981) Grandmother a Communist Whore….I posted My Address for any of her

    Wienie offspring to exact revenge on Me…I only got a 3 Day Ban…I’m used to

    30….Am I being slighted?

  2. Has everyone seen the side by side of the asshole in the capital with the buffalo horns along with an older pic of him at a BLM rally in AZ? Several others have been positively ID’d also!
    The breach of the capital was a setup.

  3. Doesn’t matter. Media says it’s us and the GOP leaders will swear to it.
    The public is alone. That goes for the clueless dems, too. We’re in the same ocean on different boats headed for the same cliff

  4. Mark Levin is on the radio raising hell about those who breached the capital.. He should have held his mud until he was certain who they were.
    Seems like it should have raised his suspicions.

  5. gin blossom I figured he would. That’s why I didn’t bother listening tonight. There were patriots who followed them in (well, the doors were wide open lol) and stood around talking to security guards and shit. So I guess it’s the people who were standing around that were problems too? lol

  6. Bobcat- LMAO! they have bigger fish to fry.
    I left facebook day before last Thanksgiving. If my friends and family want to talk to me they can call or email like nature intended.
    I actually joined 3 other social sites (non-commie) and haven’t seen most of them since. They know where I am, though.
    So much for that *shrugs*

  7. I agree they are going to try to remove POTUS ASAP. I want to believe this ends well but I don’t see how. There those that suggested that Trump needed to expose everyone and then the hammer will drop. Well that requires some loyalty from someone and if Chris Miller is now exposed on the side of the coup than who exactly is left? There goes the DNI foreign interference angle if you don’t have the special forces guy. I sense this is going to end badly. They are crucifying Trump as expected in the media. This was staged – Antifa led the charge into the capital but only half the country that already knows about the coup will see that. If there is a real bomb to drop on this nightmare it better be down now.

  8. Loads of lefty Facebook “friends” condemning what happened today and telling their Trump supporter friends to defriend them if said Trumpsters support the attack on the Capital.

    Well, it was instigated by AntiFa pretending to be MAGA but no matter-lefties can take the high road and once again be better than everyone else. Most are clueless to AntiFa. Unfortunately, they are no big deal out here.

    I guess what’s happened to Seattle is going national. I’ll eagerly await the whining and complaining in the upcoming year or two.

  9. She did NOT need to be shot, whatever side she was on.

    Head goes through window…hit VERY hard with club.

    She will be ID’d and her ‘political’ identity will come out.

  10. Coup, color revolution, deception – there is a reason our CIA uses these tactics on other nations. They work. Hence Mark Levin and a lot of other squishes not abiding by the 24-48 hour rule of not commenting until the facts are revealed are making a huge mistake and doing exactly what they were psyop’d to do.

  11. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the capital building breach and murder of this woman was perpetrated by the left. It was designed to discredit the Patriot movement. They are Satan personified.

  12. It’s being reported that she was a 16 year old kid and was not Antifa. I don’t care though if she was Antifa, she didn’t deserve to be murdered. I don’t give a crap if Antifa were mixed in with Trump supporters, nobody committed violence except those on the government payroll.

  13. I was there. Antifa were moving quickly thru the crowd. They were the few people that didn’t meander and mingle but moved directly toward the capitol building. They carried shields and completely covered their faces. What made them really noticeable was there shields had dents and scratches. They have done this before.

  14. I haven’t seen this question asked yet, but do you SERIOUSLY think that a Trump supporter would shoot someone wearing MAGA gear? Seriously? This reeks to high heaven of the left.

  15. I said a prayer for the girl/woman shot by the police. RIP.
    Now….no matter who instigated this breach, no matter what their politics, Congress and all of DC is put on notice. Once it starts it won’t stop until the finish.
    Patriots have the firearms and the will.
    We’re pushed to the brink with lies, demands, insults, and all the while we waited, watched and now we fight back.

  16. Trump should just walk away. You get the country you deserve. I did better than any president ever has, but half of you were unworthy of my hard work. Shit. Most of that half of the country doesn’t get out of bed before I put in 8 hours.
    I would like to say it was a pleasure to serve you, and in many cases that is true, but for you motherfucking,dishonest, shit stained, cocksucking weasels…..I’ll get to you democrats later….I have chunks of guys like you in my stool.

    Kraken? Mitch McConnell has a tentacle wrapped around his left leg. Mitt Romney? Lisa Murkowski has a tentacle up her….well….she’s enjoying it for now.

  17. @Foton: The vids I saw of people removing barricades made it clear they had moved them before. The fact that at certain points the police did nothing to stop the breachers speaks volumes. And yes, some of those breachers were wearing backward MAGA hats; these were the players who spoke amicably to the police as they dismantled the barricades.

    This was a setup. This was the coup. We are now in uncharted waters. President Trump will be persecuted, but the true target of this i”insurrection” is me and you, the conservatives of America. Think ghetto. Think yellow stars on jackets. Think the end of freedom as we know it.

  18. 20:24 ET… Watching the Senate comments… the most bipartisan acts I’ve seen in the Senate in years now involve outright lies about today’s events. This is beyond despicable.

  19. PHenry –

    “…Kraken? Mitch McConnell has a tentacle wrapped around his left leg. Mitt Romney? Lisa Murkowski has a tentacle up her….well….she’s enjoying it for now…”

    Sorry, but you lost me on that comment. Are you saying the Kraken is real, and about to take the Bitch McConnell down? Or is it a joke, giving Murkowski pleasure?

  20. @flip.

    I would have been fine even if I showed. Street sense is a valuable asset. Watching from the tv, when frontline people wear helmets…they are leftists/communists that desire warfare under the Trump banner.

    Did a brainwashed leftist/communist girl get killed? I blame her parents.

    Fuck them. They did this to her young and malleable brain.

  21. WASHINGTON (KUSI) — The woman who was shot and killed inside the US Capitol during the protests was from the San Diego area.
    KUSI News has spoken with her husband.
    The woman is Ashli Babbit, a 14-year veteran, who served four tours with the US Air Force, and was a high level security official throughout her time in service.
    Her husband says she was a strong supporter of President Trump, and was a great patriot to all who knew her.
    The Metropolitan Police Department says an investigation into her death continues.
    KUSI sends our condolences to her family and all who knew her.

  22. @stirring
    Last part was a joking reference as to what will happen to these republican shitweasels, crotchmonkeys, seditionwhores, ratbastards, roidrompers, and
    shitpickles ™️ assert their God given right to thievery and debauchery.

  23. “President Trump will be persecuted, but the true target of this i”insurrection” is me and you, the conservatives of America. Think ghetto. Think yellow stars on jackets. Think the end of freedom as we know it.”

    Well sure, if you’re a dickhead and a coward. Only laws prevent you from blowing off the heads of those who seek to oppress you. You ever drive over the speed limit? Congratulations, you’re a criminal.

    Ever shoot someone? Ever shoot more than one? Guess what? After the first murder, all the rest don’t signify as far as punishment goes.

    Which seems kind of strange. Fines ramp up on successive speeding tickets, but you kill one Senator, the penalty don’t change if you kill a dozen.

    What’s up with that?

  24. @PHenry – got it! You stopped short of the pain and pleasure that Cocaine Bitch was going to receive from the Kraken’s tentacle slithering up his leg on its way into his a….

    That’s what I misinterpreted. Did I get it right this time?

  25. The Antifa idiot who was shot dead in Austin as he threatened a driver was an Air Force vet, too. That means nothing. He was as radical as they come. The military is full of people who hate America these days. I don’t believe for one second that this woman is a Trump supporter like her husband said. He was lying and the press is pushing that line because it works for them. She is from California and she will be outed as a radical hater of America soon enough. American patriots don’t behave the way she was behaving. Even Tucker Carlson is falling for this crap. HOLY CRAP! Can’t anybody think anymore?

  26. We left when the crowd was getting thick in front of the capitol building. Our instincts told us it was time to leave, around 3 pm. We did not approach the barricades or even get 100 yards close. We met a man limping walking away who said he got close to the barricades and the DC police shot him with a bean bag round in the leg. How they let others through makes you wonder that they knew who were allowed to get close and who weren’t. It sure wasn’t the guy limping away.

  27. It will be very interesting to find out who this woman is and what she was aligned with.

    If she was antifa/blm, her identity and political views may get buried with her body. If she is antifa, and it becomes known, it will destroy CNNs bullshit that Trump is responsible. CNN won’t have that.

    Personally, I think she’s more than likely antifa, because conservatives respect property and don’t go climbing through windows.

  28. Unarmed white woman shot dead by Capitol police. Where’s the outcry? The violent protests? After seeing some of the youtube videos, I believe that Ashli was a Trump supporter. Her death must not be in vain.

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