Trump Signs Memo Blocking Antifa Members From Entering US – IOTW Report

Trump Signs Memo Blocking Antifa Members From Entering US


President Donald Trump signed a memo on Tuesday, which will seek to block the violent far-left group Antifa from entering the United States.

The memo stated thar the far-left group endangers the fabric of the nation due to its violence.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said in a statement:

“Antifa activists have brutally attacked our law-abiding friends, neighbors, and business owners, and destroyed historic landmarks that our communities have cherished for decades.”

“This violence and lawlessness has no place in the United States and will be called out for the domestic terrorism that it is.”

“Today, President Donald J. Trump signed a memorandum to ensure that Federal officials assess actions of Antifa activists in light of Federal laws that restrict the entry of aliens associated with terrorist organizations and aliens intent on criminal activity.” more here

10 Comments on Trump Signs Memo Blocking Antifa Members From Entering US

  1. First of all, what is a Memorandum? Is it an Executive Order? Does it have any teeth? Is he just re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, or does he know something that would make this statement relevant after 1/20/21

  2. Ma Deuce: IMHO, it’s all over. There will be no more contention to Biden’s fraud election. I’d bet next month’s SS check that right now, President Trump is under house arrest. The fat lady sang today. Sad, sad day for freedom. Kiss your rights goodbye.

  3. It is sounding more and more like it doesn’t matter they’re claiming they’re removing him through the 25th amendment.

    I sure as hell hope people have been preparing for what is to come.

  4. BTW, the woman shot wasn’t a kid, her husband has identified her.

    Ashli Babbit, a 14-year veteran, who served four tours with the US Air Force, and was a high level security official throughout her time in service.

    Her husband says she was a strong supporter of President Trump, and was a great patriot to all who knew her.

  5. Old Racist White Woman-
    Hmm…I dunno. She was a ‘high level security official’ and didn’t realize she shouldn’t have been going through a window of a federal building?
    Especially when you can lose any retirement and health benefits doing so?


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