San Fran. Progressive Prosecutor’s Reforms Lead to Hit-and-Run Deaths – IOTW Report

San Fran. Progressive Prosecutor’s Reforms Lead to Hit-and-Run Deaths

WFB: The hit-and-run killing of two San Francisco women on New Year’s Eve has ignited new criticism of District Attorney Chesa Boudin (D.), the hard-charging reformer and former Hugo Chávez aide whose über-progressive policies allowed the killer, a drunk driver and serial criminal, to walk free.

Troy McAllister hit and killed 60-year-old Elizabeth Platt and 27-year-old Hanako Abe while drunkenly driving a stolen vehicle through a red light last week. McAllister was out on a plea agreement for robbery issued in April and had been arrested multiple times since, including a Dec. 20 arrest for car theft.

But none of those arrests led to prosecution and incarceration, thanks to Boudin’s soft-touch prosecutorial practices. The progressive D.A. made his refusal to charge even serial offenders like McAllister for nonviolent offenses a hallmark of his campaign—a position he may now be reevaluating. read more

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