Dennis Prager’s profound and disturbing meditation about “good Germans” – IOTW Report

Dennis Prager’s profound and disturbing meditation about “good Germans”

American Thinker:

Sometimes, someone writes an article that is more than just an article. It is an urgent warning bell telling us something very profound about ourselves and the path that we’re on. Dennis Prager’s most recent article sees him come to terms with the fact that even Americans can become the functional equivalent of “good Germans;” that is, we are on the verge of becoming the type of people who, while not actively complicit in evil, just go along with it.

Many years ago, when Obama was consolidating his changes in America, an Irish friend of mine told me that it was inconceivable to him that Americans would give up their liberty. He felt that liberty was in Americans’ DNA and that nothing would cause them to abandon that core principle. My friend never imagined the Wuhan virus, an infectious disease with a 99% survival rate for people under 70.

In a matter of months, in most American states, millions of Americans meekly abandoned liberty. They allowed themselves to be imprisoned in their own homes, they gave up their businesses, they stopped educating their children, and they treated religious worship as something akin to a satanic death ritual.

Our politicians – not our legislatures – but just our politicians issued arguably unconstitutional edicts, our police enforced them, and we backed down. We also allowed all the Karens in the world – the officious, hectoring strangers — to cow us into abandoning our liberties. We whisper about them, but we let them have their way.

Now, there’s a vaccination in play and we listen meekly as Herr Doktor Fauci keeps ruminating about making these vaccinations – the long-term effects of which are a mystery – mandatory for work or travel. In New York, the legislature is seriously contemplating a law that would empower it to imprison anyone with a communicable disease that the state, in its unquestioned wisdom, doesn’t want to have around. If you’re accused, even your right to a lawyer is constrained by the state. more

12 Comments on Dennis Prager’s profound and disturbing meditation about “good Germans”

  1. Dennis is wrong.
    Practically speaking there were no “Good Germans’.
    My barber from ’69 t0 ’79 was an exLanzer. Fought in East. He told me, “We we ALL MARXISTS!, I am no longer a marxist.” When I got my hair cut i did 2 things:
    1. Practice German
    2. Indirectly interrogate him. I feel he was still a Marxist.

    Had other friends from that time and place and they said “vast majority” were marxists and supported Adi.
    But like American liberals, they were willfully ignorant of the brutality of their folk!

  2. The hardest thing to change is a core belief and the left is constantly reinforcing those beliefs through their electronic devices.
    We may be the last remnants of the kind of americans that believe in individualism and freedom.


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