What should Trump do with the time he has left? – IOTW Report

What should Trump do with the time he has left?

American Thinker:

Given the latest dynamic development with respect to the role of Mike Pence as the president of the Senate, the outcome of the today’s joint session of Congress may look uncertain now.  What is certain, however is that if the meeting goes in Biden’s favor, all issues of election fraud will be history.  There will be no investigation.  The media and the Deep State will declare it as the most secure election in history and Donald Trump a traitor for refusing to concede.  Worse, future elections will be meaningless.

Stealing is addictive.  So is power.  A combination of the two is the sad story of Venezuela.  This is why the extent of the fraud in this election must be fully revealed — not through scientific analysis or the testimonials of thousands of brave citizens, nor by presenting  videotapes showing that illegal vote count took place, nor by showing a stack of fake ballots.  To be sure, taken together, all of these point to irrefutable evidence of massive cheating in order to steal the election.

Under a lightly corrupt system, that evidence will have a chance for a relatively fair review and remedy through the courts or political process.  Under a badly corrupt system, the evidence will be dead on arrival.  Unfortunately, it is not an exaggeration to conclude that our system, at state and federal levels, is corrupt to the core.  Donald Trump may lose the fight, but one of his biggest contributions to the nation is that American patriots now get the idea of the full extent of corruption in our three branches of government along with the Deep State, the media, Big Tech, and multinational corporations. read more

39 Comments on What should Trump do with the time he has left?

  1. Anybody that lives close to the Southern Border better think about moving inland,

    There’s going to be Hordes of Desperate People flooding into the Country…

    and They’ll basically have more Rights than You.


  2. A national address telling the people directly everything he learned after four years running this country. The agencies will all resist declassification of information but he can tell us what he knows. Names, numbers and whatever. It’s the only way we’ll ever know.

  3. Trump lost all credibility and power yesterday. He has no cards to play. He should just stay quiet, cooperate with the transition team, and move out. Don’t expect Biden to say anything nice. He should consider himself fortunate if Pence does not invoke the 25th Amendment, or if he is not impeached and removed in the last 2 weeks of his term. He should be satisfied with Congressional censure.

  4. He needs to push term limits for these career politicians. Two terms and you are done. Everybody needs to push this hard. The media won’t so tell everyone we need to get the term limit going and passed.

  5. Announce his candidacy for 2024.
    Give karma an assist in payback to the “surrender caucus”.
    Declare martial law.
    Pardon Snowden.
    Pardon Assange.
    Appoint a special prosecutor for the voter fraud 2020.
    Appoint a special prosecutor for investigating who’s blackmailing John Roberts.
    Appoint a special prosecutor for the Biden Crime Family.
    Executive order to remove 230 protection of social media giants.
    Fuck with Mittens any way possible.

  6. Trump can order everything declassified, but the agencies responsible for it will simply ignore him, and there’s no time left to eventually get them to comply. He’d probably have to settle for taking what he already has and handing it off to people and organizations outside of D.C. if he has any hope of it ever being seen. (But count on the Establishment trying to dismiss, discredit, or suppress it.)

    I like the idea of the special prosecutor(s), and there are still several people still left to pardon (including Assange and Snowden).

    I’d also like to see Trump become the Republican Party’s worst nightmare, siphoning off voters and campaign contributions for other parties and candidates who will actually uphold Constitutional and conservative values. Bleed the Republican Party dry.

  7. When is Kyle Rittenhouses Trial?

    Sounds weird, but He should probably Plead Guilty so Trump can Pardon Him.

    Or He’s going to be made an example of in the “New” America.

  8. None of these Trump sould do’s will happen. Trump was in office for 4 years. In 2 weeks the clock runs out for Trump and the FUSA. Internet rants about fixing the system with the system are just mental masturbation. The wheels have come off the cart. Who remembers the before times when preppers were thought to be odd ducks?

  9. We have no recourse through the electoral process…
    The courts have literally ignored their own states laws, and the SC declined it’s role in hearing arguments between the states…
    We have no redress of grievances.
    This is what 2A is for.
    For when all we have left is violence.

  10. It honestly doesn’t matter. He’s going to jail.

    Unlike patriots, leftists play for keeps and have NO forgiveness.

    They have to make him an example both for us, and so no one ELSE tries to represent us in defiance of them ever again.

    As for us, we will have to go underground, like the French Resistance, but with no America on the horizon to supply us or give us a hope of external relief. With all the apparatus of the tech giants and the best training from experienced Chinese mentors, they will have no problem tracking us down and singly forcing us to take a loyalty oath, and certainly be put on a watch list. Periodic mass arrests will be made just as in Stalin’s USSR, and we will be constantly socially credit scored that will affect every aspect of our lives. Children will be trained by the state and taught to be informers against us, and the elderly will be killed, and we will be allowed to question none of this. The State will dictate medical care without regard for the individual, and many will die from that alone, and others because they don’t have enough social credit to have earned medical care. The state will allocate housing and dictate our jobs and our pay, and private enterprise will be nationalized. Mass transit will become the only way you will be allowed to move, again controlled by credit scores, so the Government knows where you go and for how long and prevent unauthorized movements.

    Your guns will be taken, and any resistance will be met with official and judicial murder, and your resistance may cost your children their lives too or, if effective, they may kill your whole neighborhood just as an example of why resistors must be turned in.

    They also will avenge every slight, every mock, every time their march to power was temporarily thwarted. Leftists do not forgive and do not forget, and a lot of people are going to find that out when they are lined up next to a shallow trench with a lime supply nearby.

    Insults of officials will be punishable, and negative stories will only be permitted for those who fall out of favor with the Party, if they are not outright erased. Its a cold comfort but they will be most deadly to their own, as they kill to gain or preserve power as they consider necessary. With no electoral system and no laws that apply to them as well as a media that only sings hosanna to TPTB, that will be the only way to advance.

    Your church is gone. Jesus can’t be allowed to supercede the edicts of the State. Your pastor will be subverted or killed. Some semblance of religion may be permitted, but always under firm State control.

    All of this, and more, shall come to pass. You may not realize what ‘we lost’ means yet, but if you are permitted to live, the world you live in even a year from now will bear no resemblance to this one. The left knows only hatred and revenge, and will reward their loyalist by letting them settle their grudges with you in whatever way they like, and what they like tends to be violent and messy.

    There is no hope at all unless Jesus comes back.

    But right now, He really doesn’t seem to interested.

    Perhaps the Rapture happened and we ALL missed the boat.

    It would explain a lot of things…

    This is all now pointless. Kids cutting up in study hall, no more. Not sure I’m going to spend a lot of time here as I try to save what can be saved as the stock market spirals rapidly down, civil rights are suspended, gun grabs authorized, and pogroms initiated. Guessing they’ll probably deplatform Fur soon anyway.

    It was a fun run, but its over. We can’t even talk about the future because it will be monitored and used against us. All I can say is try to follow the Holy Spirit if you can still reach Him, and prepare your family for the present and deadly storm that now will be upon us in a rush. Trust no one, the Gestapo used the most innocent tradesmen and the youngest child more effectively than any guy in a trenchant.

    Not saying there can’t, or won’t, be a resistance. History tells us there will be.

    Just saying it can only be discussed very circumspectly and certainly not in a public forum.

    Do as you feel led, and as you judge best. Its all any of us can do.

    God Bless,

  11. What should he do? Whatever he can to protect his family. The progressives will be going after him with a level of vengeance never seen before.

    The most radical will demand he be executed. The next tier down will settle for prison. Failing that, they will bankrupt him along with his entire family unless he can somehow protect them.

    The danger in this will be an uprising from the people but if done correctly, it will quash that as well as any future uprisings. We had better wise up and realize that the progressives are mega-steps ahead of us. This is the first phase of the culmination of a plan 100 years in the making. I fear that we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

  12. “But right now, He really doesn’t seem to interested.”

    Don’t bet on it.

    If you look without imposing your own world view on the world around you in place of the real world. you can see the prophecies being fulfilled on a daily basis. There are still a few things that must happen before the end comes, and IMO the downfall and destruction of America is among them.

    So keep your faith and know that God’s will is being done and it is being done in accord with his timing, not man’s,

    God’s will is always done, it is man’s free will that allows him to decides the method and means by which it is fulfilled. It can be God’s way or it can be the hard way, man seems to have a propensity for choosing the hard way.

  13. I’m sorry folks but these desires for special prosecutors are little more than pipe dreams. We are about to be fundamentally transformed. Obama couldn’t get it all done and Trump undid a lot of it, but the reversals will be quick and greatly enhanced.

    The rules are all going to change. The notion that a special prosecutor cannot be removed may be true under the rules as they exist now but those rules will no longer apply.

  14. It was a great 4 year reprieve while it lasted. The anticipated coming storm is a prime example for why we use our screen names.
    I have greatly appreciated all of your comments, debates, and even arguments.
    Stay safe everyone.

  15. “Sounds weird, but He should probably Plead Guilty so Trump can Pardon Him.”

    The President is only given the power to grant pardons in Federal cases, not in State cases.

    Article II, section 2, paragraph 1 of the Constitution.

    Rittenhouse is being tried under State charges, that’s where he will either have to defend himself or have the State governor grant him a pardon if the charges are not dropped.

  16. Declassify everything then see who releases the info.
    Find someone, there has to be at least one or two, in the alphabet agencies who is willing to leak everything as soon as it’s declassified.
    Something is better than nothing right now.

    Fire everyone he can who part of the swamp.

    Be classy.
    But leave a pair of kneepads under the desk in the VP office and a blankie in the oval office.

  17. With all due respect, Supernightshade – not yet.
    The Tribualation is not in effect at this time.
    Characteristically, evil is deceptive and creates a smoke screen of hopelessness that has an impact. Too many are falling for this tactic.

    However, The Holy Spirit remains and Christ sits next to God the Father.
    God still responds to prayers, especially those of intercession to spread the Gospel for the salvation of souls and the welfare of nations. Therefore, America is a crucial aspect in God’s hope filled, good plans for the world.

    Despite what it looks like, God will not let evil men and Satan’s minions win this battle. A battle that has already been won spiritually, and will eventually be actualized in the natural exsistance.
    This is the time to rejoice, trust and thank God for the defeat of our enemies.

    Don’t be moved by leftist tactics and their manufactured delusional “reality”. You’ll only keep getting discouraged an deceived.

    No, it is not too late for President Trump to become the 46th U.S. President. God, not Satan is in control and God’s timing is perfect.
    I still believe President Trump will have a second term and not removed from the White House.

    President Trump must hold the line, not concede and do exactly what God leads him to do – period.
    It’s not over. Literally, keep the faith – God doesn’t lose.

  18. …thank you 99, and you are right about God, but there will be no Trump second term.

    He conceded.


    …and Twitter, FB, and YT cut him off, he’s basically being held incommunicado in the White House, and it will be all he can do to not lose his last 2 weeks either by impeachment or by illegal removal.

    They do not care any more.

    And he WILL be made an example of, as a lesson to we peasants. They really can’t do anything else, nor can they leave him free.

    …God doesn’t change but the world did.

    Evil rules now.

    And the Bible does not say it won’t.

    “And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.”
    Daniel 11:36

    …and its winding up for this…

    “14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

    15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

    16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.”
    Revelation 16:14-16

    …ALL nations.

    This one TOO.

    ….and it is the signs we’ve been told to watch for…

    “22 For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.

    23 But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.

    24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

    25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

    26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

    27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.”
    Luke 21:22-27

    …the Lord does indeed win, but America does not, and its going to be REAL unpleasant getting there.

    Keep the faith and thanks for everything, 99. For faith is all we have, all else has betrayed us utterly…

  19. The bastard dems are calling for Trump to be arrested. I’d like to know what laws Trump broke. Anybody know?

    What they accuse others of they have done themselves many times over. When all is said and done, leftists are evil, creepy, murderous, bloodthirsty monsters.

    I have not entertained this thought before, but secession from them might be a good thing. I don’t see much room for co-existing after what has happened.

  20. Great scripture references, Supernightshade. Thanks for the update on President Trump. Still, trusting God to have the last Word on the matter.
    Glad you’ve maintained your faith in God. Thank you, too for being a great brother in Christ.


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