California’s Internet Censorship Office is Watching What You Say – IOTW Report

California’s Internet Censorship Office is Watching What You Say

Frontpage Mag:

They’re classifying your “threat level,” taking screenshots of your posts, and censoring you.

“Report misinformation,” a flier from California’s Office of Election Cybersecurity blares. Social media users are urged to report “misleading” materials to the Secretary of State’s office.

A government office created by California Democrats is monitoring hashtags, classifying political speech it opposes by “threat level”, taking screenshots of posts, and then storing the information indefinitely, before reporting the offending speech to social media companies for censorship.

“Election Security is our number one priority,” the Office claims. But its focus isn’t securing elections by fighting hackers or voter fraud. Instead it’s fighting “the spread of mis- and disinformation”. That’s an Orwellian way of saying that it’s fighting and censoring online speech.

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11 Comments on California’s Internet Censorship Office is Watching What You Say

  1. Still any question why it is wise to remain anonymous instead of using a profile building screen name?

    Especially so if your posts are on a forum with comments built on a Disqus based platform?

    Some people just strike me as being naive and in need of waking up to what is really happening around them.

  2. Unfortunately I sold my Mom and Dad’s home to a couple of nutcases from Cali, if I had known I would have to seriously reconsider. The realtors try to keep you away from perspective buyer’s if you want to sell your house. When I did finally meet them they were aghast that I wasn’t wearing a mask. 😷 They literally walked around me like I had two heads. I guess they’ll be bringing their ideology shit dammit to hell. 🤬

  3. Different Tim- Yup.
    Especially if you’re on a mobile device.
    They know everything from what you do on your phone to what position it’s in while you’re holding it. You think all those apps and factory built in fancy things are for fun?

  4. On the one hand their entire 1984 apparatus of state depends on a dependable energy marketplace and on the other they do everything they can to destroy the energy marketplace their rule over society depends.

  5. I would never before now ever say “God Damn it!”; but, with all of the evil equine feces being thrown at us by the demon-rats, I will say with extreme prejudice – “GOD DAMN THEIR EVIL SOULS!” Again, my apologies to my brothers and sisters on this board. Like many of you I will not accept this stolen elections, I as much as this old body can handle, I will kep fighting for my beloved country! God bless the U.S.A.


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