Washington Gov. Inslee’s mansion surrounded — ‘You took an oath!’ – IOTW Report

Washington Gov. Inslee’s mansion surrounded — ‘You took an oath!’

h/t KT

“Nobody leaves until we get what we want from now on. No more. No more speeches. No more waving flags. Inslee is in the wrong!”

13 Comments on Washington Gov. Inslee’s mansion surrounded — ‘You took an oath!’

  1. At the state level is where election fraud has to be taken care of precinct by precinct.

    If the voters of a precinct or state don’t care, it’s difficult to gain traction.

    Sort of like pushing a chain instead of pulling one.

    At the state level is where the fight against tyranny will begin.

    Recall the tyrants and vote the traitorous GOP reps and senators OUT!!!

    Trump needs to leave the GOP and make THE TEA PARTY AS HIS OWN!

    Wouldn’t that scare the shit out of both the dems and GOP!

    Think: all of those Trump Supporters in DC yesterday, becoming Tea Part members.

    Do it now, Mr. President!

  2. Remember the “peaceful protests” in Madison in 2018 when the Lefties took over the state capital building? Yeah, neither does the media. Good times.

    I almost hesitate to say it but maybe the time has come for more of what happened in Washington yesterday than less of it. The Communist Dems will now use everything within their power to try to crush any opposition and the spineless republican cowards will go along to get along.

  3. “I almost hesitate to say it but maybe the time has come for more of what happened in Washington yesterday than less of it. ”

    What happened in Washington yesterday was the right lost the civil s\war they have been calling for at the first skirmish.

  4. “Oh by the way, Anonymous, you won’t be anonymous anymore once the new social media rules get enacted by the overlords.”

    You’re saying this forum is social media? Like Twitter and Facebook and such?

  5. “Recall the tyrants and vote the traitorous GOP reps and senators OUT!!!”

    What makes you think any future election will be any less corrupted than this one?
    You cannot unmake an omelet.
    You can only throw that one out and start over.

    Obviously, your vote means absolutely nothing.

    izlamo delenda est …


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