STFU, Bill Barr – IOTW Report

STFU, Bill Barr

Ex-Attorney General Barr Slams Trump for ‘Betrayal of His Office’

Betrayal of his office? What about the betrayal of YOUR old office you oily, fat-bellied sonofabitch!


Former Attorney General William Barr on Thursday scolded President Donald Trump for Trump’s actions Wednesday as the president spoke to supporters before protests and rioting erupted at the U.S. Capitol.

“Orchestrating a mob to pressure Congress is inexcusable,” Barr said in a statement, according to the Washington Examiner. “The President’s conduct yesterday was a betrayal of his office and supporters.”

On Wednesday, Barr, who resigned as attorney general last month, released a statement condemning the incursion.

“The violence at the Capitol Building is outrageous and despicable. Federal agencies should move immediately to disperse it,” Barr said Wednesday. more here

26 Comments on STFU, Bill Barr

  1. Consider the source, first. Examiner is a liberal, Bush Republican paper.
    Now, they quote (accurately?) a life time Rove/Bush man blasting Don. All the Bush Republicans are blasting Don!

    I was very wrong on Barr. I thought he had left the Bush team. Clearly Barr is a team player, THE BUSH TEAM

  2. Go stuff that set of bagpipes up your fat ass and blow us some violin music you useless fat piece of blubber. You never attempted to do your job from day one, and new we’re supposed to feel sorry for your murderous ass?

  3. This is like McCain’s funerals all over again. These assholes need to rent a hall somewhere and have a convention for a week of dumping on Trump and slapping each others’ backs. Broken people, every last one of them. Spent, and exposed in their efforts to destroy one man. Walk tall among these small people, President Trump.

  4. It’s a mystery why Trump picked him. Surely there were better candidates who would have been more supportive?

    But perhaps, in the stinking swamp of DC, there wasn’t.

    These ship rats leaving are hoping that Biden will hire them.

  5. Agree with the sentiment. But when I saw his shitty comment I called him FATSO out loud.

    No crimes to prosecute whatsoever eh, Fatso ?! Not a smidgen!

    Rot in hell, you fat fuck!

  6. So when a couple of cunts hop in an elevator to scream at a squishy faggot like Flake during the Kavanaugh hearing that is now the definition of domestic terrorism and warrants them being shot in the face?

    Good to know.

  7. Said my comment before I com ented on Barr.

    You are watching the Deep State strike back. Outsiders don’t have a network of thousands to fill the labyrinthine halls of government. So what do you do when you are an outsider?

    You trust people who you don’t know very well to make recommendations. They say he’s a good guy. He worked for Republicans in the past. Nothing that will embarrass us if we nominate him.

    And this is what you get. The Deep State washing each others hands. Regardless of Trumpa flaws, they pale in comparison to the Uniparty corruption. Power is creating the illusion of choice.

    You can vote for your guy but we will make sure he never finds out where the bodies are buried.

  8. What a piece of shit this guy is.

    He single-handedly destroyed our nation. Single-handedly!

    THAT is what history is going to know of this rat, and of that other rat, Sessions.

    The two of them handed our nation over to the Communist Chinese. Literally.

  9. More kayfabe.
    Imo, Trump and Barr are on the same team.
    And that team is not American patriots.

    Four years of this kayfabe BS.

    Counting down the clock on U.S. destruction.
    Keeping patriots in line and in hope.

    Now the clock has run down and it spells the end of the U.S.A.

  10. Push Barr off of a pier along with Chris Christie and hold a bb gun target contest. Shoot the fat fucks as they slowly float from side to side along the current. If they get too close to the shore use a fisherman’s hook and push em back out to sea.

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