Jenna Ellis: ‘Deeply Disappointed’ in Pence – IOTW Report

Jenna Ellis: ‘Deeply Disappointed’ in Pence

The Trump campaign’s legal adviser Jenna Ellis stated that she’s “deeply disappointed” with Vice President Mike Pence after he refused to reject disputed electoral votes in yesterday’s joint session of Congress.

25 Comments on Jenna Ellis: ‘Deeply Disappointed’ in Pence

  1. Pence proved himself to be a moral coward despite all of his self proclaimed piety. Stabbing America in the back is not moral courage no matter how many times he tells himself that. Moral courage would have required ensuring that this stolen election was not tolerated. Pence failed spectacularly.

  2. Pence is now on the same list as Kasich, McCain, Christie, and Mittens…

    That’s the list of politicians with presidential ambitions who will never be POTUS.

  3. Vice President Pence is expected to attend Joe Biden’s inauguration later this month.

    A person familiar with the vice president’s thinking told The Hill that Pence is expected to attend the inauguration in some capacity. Politico first reported earlier Thursday that Pence is expected to attend the ceremony.

    Pence’s team leaked this without Pence even having been formally invited to the ceremony, which will take place on Jan. 20.

  4. WHY is there NOT a total retaliation against the liberal, Marxist, commie democrats?????

    WE are NOT the republican suck-up politicians that endlessly KISS the ASS of those that want to obliterate Christian beliefs.

    Unlike those Pieces-of-Shit, we DO NOT put money and power above the people.

    It’s a very simple concept…..Unfortunately, greed and control reign supreme where a ‘very few’
    want to hold total control over the majority.

    I personally refuse to be part of that Stalin ideology.

  5. Who gives a rats ass whether Pence was invited to the inauguration or not. Nobody is going to be watching that fraud put his hand on the Bible and take an oath after he stole the election.

  6. Damn right, Miss Kitty, especially with Seizure Boy John Roberts doing the honors. With those two stuttering, mumbling, spastic pervy m—rf—kers, a Bible and Satan involved, no telling how many do-overs will be required.

  7. Pence is so dull, he’s not marketable anywhere. He’ll probably run for governor of Indiana again and he can pretend the last 4 years were all a strange dream. Oh, and Karen (KAREN! haha) seems very uptight. Never liked her. There. I said it.

  8. An open letter to ALL the ASSHOLES—

    The country is in jeopardy, YOU show NO signs of support

    The easy assumption is—–

    You are a liberal in disguise

    You are a wimp without balls

    You have been threatened, blackmailed or bought-off

    OR, you are a straight up traitor

    In any case….the punishment should be death

    Sleep tight——-

  9. @MJA – I don’t think Pence could win ANYTHING here in Indiana. We might be dumb but we’re not stupid.

    I soured on him when he walked back on the RFRA. I kinda gave him a pass but I did take note of it. Now, I’m done with him. He’d best stay with his new friends in DC – it’ll be a lot safer for him.

  10. Yea, but he got a nice shiny coin. The piece of shit. I’m willing to bet this asshole ends himself. Any takers? Trump now hates him, Trump supporters now want to slit his throat, Dems for sure hate him. I’m not convinced his tubby wife really likes his little dick.

  11. @”Chickity China…”- if broke-dick biden can be president, any of these other pus filled demon heads can, as well.

    @ Brad- I saw where you dropped Bad off handle. You got a “don’t fuck with me” attitude. That’s worth a bunch in my book!👍

  12. I am guessing that Pence and his staffers were playing Trump and his people, which is to say, the honorable man lied. I haven’t trusted Pence since he had a hissy fit over Flynn that publicly triggered the whole Mueller investigation.

    What happened yesterday was the culmination of careful planning and cooperation between the Dems and Republican leadership. They would never have allowed a second Trump term and they made sure Trump was hobbled as soon as he won the nomination in 2016.

    That he has accomplished as much as he has is testament to the man’s abilities and to the level of loyal support he has been able to draw on, despite the many snakes forced into his offices by McConnell, et al.

  13. Given the way the RNC collective decided to cut and run shows me they are more worried about power, Position and future Political careers.

    Pence is no different, he is looking for Political insulation from the Socialist-democrats coming into power and the $$$$$$ his donor will feed his family and himself later on.

    DC is for DC
    The voters be damn now that they have a Programmable Voting machine.

  14. Let’s be honest here. Pence is a good man who tried to do the right thing, but for him the right thing was to tuck his tail and run back inside of established norms. He felt like doing the Washington thing was the same as doing the right thing.

    That’s the real reason he doesn’t deserve to be president. He is a good man, but he is also a weak man with very little courage. He doesn’t want to make the hard choice. He doesn’t want to go against the flow. He doesn’t want to make the hard choice and stand alone.

    That’s what made Trump extraordinary. He did the right thing even when he would be vilified for it. No one will ever say that about Mike Pence and that’s why he should never be president.

  15. Gosh. Didn’t we all already claim years ago that Pence was on “our lists” when he abandoned the same principles as governor?

    Were are any of us truly surprised by his latest inaction? If Pence were to become president instead of Biden, do you honestly believe it would truly make any difference at all?

    The only difference I see is between bleeding and hemorrhaging.

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