Some rather cowardly White House resignations – IOTW Report

Some rather cowardly White House resignations

American Thinker: The press was having a field day bashing President Trump in noting the resignations and withdrawals from his White House of some rather cowardly officials.

According to ‘Dear Diary’ Jim Acosta, in a tweet

FLOTUS chief of staff and former press sec Stephanie Grisham has submitted her resignation,@KateBennett_DC reporting.And this is what Twitter itself noted in its events item, no link, headlined

Four White House staffers resign following violence at US Capitol Four White House officials have handed in their resignations after a pro-Trump mob stormed the US Capitol in Washington, DC. According to a Bloomberg report, Deputy National Security Adviser Matt Pottinger resigned on Wednesday afternoon. The First Lady’s Chief of Staff, Stephanie Grisham, White House Social Secretary Rickie Niceta and Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Matthews all quit on Wednesday as well.

In a statement, Matthews said she was “deeply disturbed by what I saw today” and emphasized the importance of “a peaceful transfer of power.” Photo via @Reuters 

Someone like Matthews is kind of a low level person to be releasing “a statement,” public relations being her stock in trade. Obviously, she’s looking for another job, and the statement is a bid to prove to the swamp that she’s still hireable and one of them. What a thing to do in the wake of a transition when she ought to be helping the others out instead of thumping out like an elephant and leaving the others to do her work. Principled? Don’t think so. She was leaving the post anyway. The resignation ‘statement’ is just a lot of grandstanding.  more

42 Comments on Some rather cowardly White House resignations

  1. I guess I can go back to praying for the sweet meteor of death when God raptures me outta here.

    Seriously: (Seriously) Something tells me — it just does — that this ain’t over-over. I don’t know. Call me crazy.

  2. Congress(Republicans included) let Obama occupy the White House for eight years with a phony birth certificate and a stolen social security number. Did anyone really think these criminals would call Democrats out on the steal?

  3. The democrats run everything now, not because they’re smarter or more competent or more honest. They run everything because they’re not fucking chickenshit cowards and morons like virtually everyone running the GOP, which apparently stands for “Gaggle of Pussies”.

  4. AA, at this point, Trump wins if he “loses”. I’ve made my peace with the totalitarian idiocracy likely to come and will prosper just out of its reach. These soft leftist maggots are incompetent at everything, including tyranny. And we have all of the guns and most of the high ground.

    But yes, I agree it is not all over. Whenever we have moments like this, where all seems lost, something always shatters the illusion of hopelessness. Keep calm and carry on, right?

  5. I would have agreed with you yesterday morning @abigail, but the false flag Antifa and a couple of knuckleheads sealed our fate yesterday.

    I know it.

    Trump knows it.

    It’s fucking OVER.

    Sorry for the painful truth. If elections are determined by partisan vote counters rather than voters?
    Adios muchachos.

  6. Mule- No kidding. Like in Nevada, tons of cheating and dems win. Tons of cheating, and sometimes R’s win. But it’s not really a win, because the R’s are like the Dems. Even the Libertarians are Dems. lol. I dunno, maybe they lost their platform notebooks and all just started using the one they found in a culinary union dumpster.

  7. TheMule, they certainly look like a “Gaggle of Pussies”. But I think it’s worse than them being “fucking chickenshit cowards and morons”. I believe they are playing the role they were assigned, and in exchange for them playing the role, they get to be wealthy for their mortal life.

  8. White House resignations.
    Wouldn’t that actually just be 2 weeks notice?

    Also I have questions,
    How many on the front line at the capital BLM an ANTIFA.
    I’m guessing they aren’t Trump supporters.

    Senate aides – who had the presence of mind and courage to transport and keep safe the electoral votes before fleeing the Senate.
    Whose aids? Were they told ahead of time?

    BUCKLE UP FOLKS, it might get bumpy.

  9. I keep saying this. Pound on your state legislators to tighten up their election practices while there are still Republicans around. Paper ballots. No machines. Voter ID. Shit, we have ID’s for everything else.
    And if black “I’m too stupid to figure out how to get an ID card” people don’t get ID’s, black people don’t vote. Simple as that.

    Oh yeah, NO ILLEGALS VOTE. And clean out your fucking voter rolls, assholes!

  10. This is like when BLM walks into a restaurant and demands everyone put their fist in the air and people do hoping the mob will attack someone else. Pathetic. It will be remembered.

  11. MJA — We should do it for him in homage. The lion-hearted man from Manhatten showed us what winning looks like. It was all worth it.

    The reason they want to erase every trace of him is because he rubbed their noses in their own shitty existence and did it with panache. If we become too despairing, we’ve given those wicked people exactly what they want.

    Pull up your sox you sad sacks and soldier on.

  12. Here’s hoping Trump forms a news network, a social media page, and a radio network. If he does, he’ll destroy Fox, Facebook and Twitter in the process – and in the process also become even more rich.

  13. AbigailAdams, I have that same feeling. I’ve learned, though, that feelings can’t always be relied on.

    The only thing that I trust is the fact that God is in control. I have been praying that he has mercy on our country and will dispense his Justice on those who hate him and us.

    God does want his children to tell him our desires. I can hope that what I want is in his will. I also have to accept that his plan is perfect whether it’s what I want or not.

    It’s not easy to balance what I want and hope for when his plan is for something else. The faith that God gave me when I became a Christian has grown as he walks with me through my troubles. I have learned to trust him.

    I do believe he will part the sea if that’s his plan.

  14. They’re all typical politicians. Their loyalty is to whoever is in power. ‘Oh, I really didn’t agree with Trumps policy’s but I had to go along’……CHICKENSHIT COWARD BASTARDS.

  15. Every President gets his portrait painted-will they ban it from being displayed? Same with the First Lady, they’ll keep it in storage. It’ll be constantly under assault-defaced and knifed by mad libs.

    Think of what they do in front of Reagan’s portrait because they blame him for AIDS. An act of courage to flip him off and post it on social media.

  16. MJA, Trump’s library will have branches, all over the place. Beautiful places worth a visit when traveling, and pointy sticks on the eyes of globalists.

    And Barky STILL hasn’t got his legacy hut built. What’s up with that? I guess Trump made it kind of pointless. That, and Barky has to hide his records to avoid incriminating himself.

  17. These pukes are going to control our personal finances, medical accessibility, all of interwebs and of course, weapons. When cash transactions are outlawed, along with barter, they will have us by the hair of the ass. No more conservative websites. Promotes bad think.


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