New York Post: Known Antifa members Posed as Pro-Trump to Infiltrate Capitol Protest: Sources – IOTW Report

New York Post: Known Antifa members Posed as Pro-Trump to Infiltrate Capitol Protest: Sources

The GOP is dead. They joined the National Socialists Workers Party to destroy us.

Geller Report: The Antifa members disguised themselves with pro-Trump clothing to join in the DC rioting, said the sources, who spotted the infiltrators while monitoring video coverage from the Capitol. more


Rep. Mo Brooks Says There’s Evidence Antifa Was Involved in Assault on Capitol.

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) is imploring people not to rush to judgment on the assault on the Capitol that took place Wednesday afternoon and to wait for an investigation.

“All may not be (and likely is not) what appears,” he said on Twitter Thursday morning. “Evidence growing that fascist ANTIFA orchestrated Capitol attack with clever mob control tactics.”

Here’s the evidence he cited on Twitter:

Brooks says that on Monday he was warned by a fellow congressman whom he did not name of “a growing ANTIFA threat” and was advised to sleep in his office and not leave Capitol complex. Brooks reported that he heeded that advice and has slept on his office floor for four straight nights.

On Tuesday, Brooks says that a Capitol Police officer warned congressman “that intelligence suggested fascist ANTIFA was going to try to infiltrate the Trump rally by dressing like Trump supporters.” more


FLASHBACK: Liberals Started Rioting Right After Trump’s Election, Even During His Inauguration.



I have had enough of the left pretending to have some moral high ground when it comes to political violence. After the storming of the Capitol on Wednesday, there are several Democrats calling for Trump to be “removed from office” despite having nothing to do with what happened.

Nothing at all.

The Democratic Party has zero moral high ground on this issue. They’ve done nothing to quell the violence and unrest on their side, which started right after Trump won the presidency.

The media won’t bring this up, but in the aftermath of Trump’s election in November 2016, the left began protesting—and those protests typically ended in violence.

“For the third night in a row, anti-Donald Trump demonstrators took to the streets in several big cities and on college campuses across the United States, including an outburst of smashed windows and a dumpster fire in Portland that police countered with pepper spray and flash-bang devices,” reported USA Today just days after Trump’s upset victory over Hillary Clinton.

Roughly 4,000 protesters gathered in downtown Portland the Thursday following the election, chanting  “We reject the president-elect!” before heading over to Portland’s Pearl District, “where the windows of several businesses were smashed.” A local news station said, “The protest was mostly peaceful until demonstrators met with an anarchist group, after which demonstrators vandalized buildings, kicked cars and knocked out power.” more


Kamala Harris Called Riots ‘a Movement’ Last Summer, Said ‘They Should Not’ Stop.

“They’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop,” she told him. “This is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not gonna stop. And everyone beware because they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop before Election Day and they’re not going to stop after Election Day. And everyone should take note of that. They’re not gonna let up and they should not.”

12 Comments on New York Post: Known Antifa members Posed as Pro-Trump to Infiltrate Capitol Protest: Sources

  1. It’s just like “dissent is patriotic” when W was in office switched to being “dissent is treason (and racist)” once President Mom Jeans was in. Standards for thee, not for me…

  2. The choreographed outrage and Trump-bashing which erupted simultaneously everywhere Wednesday, from the media and pols, was sickening. And suspicious. Democrat WSB cut away from Rush to let CBS vent in orgasmic fury against Trump. And us. I turned the radio off, and every time I turned it back on, Manu Raju was screeching at an even higher pitch, until finally, the last time I turned it back on, there was goddam Erick Erickson, talking about the guy with the horns. ))click((

    That horned asshole was the focal point for the whole setup. Don’t give me any bullshit about his allegedly conservative Orthodox Jew judge father. This clown is a leftist who was given carte blanche and entree for his photo op and is now being interviewed as the face of the crowd. His contact info is probably on Pelosi’s hard drive.

  3. We are DONE. They own MEDIA CONGRESS
    Prepare to take the MOTB or starve to death…

  4. Jason Kessler and the tiki-torchers did this same shit at Charlottesville, and Biden rode that hoax all the way to the end. I don’t know how we can counter this kind of setup when the media, the local cops, Dem pols and likely the IC are all in on it. Any ideas?

  5. As an aside I was thinking about the minute and a half “escort video.”

    Hard to NOT understand false flags not being used, but…

    Note that the “minute and a half video” now seems to only be available as a screen shot and is now claimed to be from December in MN. (found it in this one 2:10 to 3:38

    Looking at the “trooper” vehicles they do seem to show the State of MN emblem on the door. Anyone remember this one from December. Using this as coming from Jan 6th if it came from December invalidates your argument.

    Doesn’t help the cause to join in the lies and bullshit that “they” use… Don’t give them any ammunition to show us as the lying sacks of shit that they are.

    Can no longer accept anything at face value. Check you sources and believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see…

  6. Too many known antifa in and around the Capitol Building for it to be a coincidence. Not all barriers were pushed aside. There is video showing that at least some were pulled aside by police.

    Why was the “breach” coincidental to the beginning of debate on Arizona? Was it arranged? That debate was to have been the only opportunity to formally present the President’s evidence of voter fraud.

    I am concerned that there is a concerted effort to foment violence by the silent majority, something the Dems have been trying to goad us into since 2008. My hunch is that Q is just an evolution of ulsterman.

    A violent response, even if ginned up by the media and politicians, will be justification to suppress the no-longer-silent majority. I am disgusted that Republican elected officials are joining, eagerly, with that suppression. Refusing to remove Section 230 protections from social media censors is more than enough evidence to show what their true intent has always been.


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