Report: Pence not yet formally invited to Biden *inauguration but going anyway – IOTW Report

Report: Pence not yet formally invited to Biden *inauguration but going anyway

Pence’s team leaked this without Pence even having been formally invited to the ceremony, which will take place on Jan. 20. 

22 Comments on Report: Pence not yet formally invited to Biden *inauguration but going anyway

  1. I reckon he’ll be trying to apologize to soon-to-be President Harris for unnecessarily roasting her so badly in the debate, when he knew the steal was going to happen.

    “Sorry, VP Harris. I had to be convincing to keep Trump off-guard.”

    “I totally get it l, Mike. It was a DEBATE cackle cackle cackle…”

  2. Anonymous January 8, 2021 at 11:19 am

    What did people expect Pence to do, and why would he do that or be authorized to do it?

    Because he has a country to protect from foreign enemies and those who are in the back pockets of the enemy aka CCP. Pence failed to protect us from voter fraud and it was his doing to put the American citizens in harms way. I see Pence as being one of them and more evil because he did not stop evil. I never thought too highly of the guy in the first place.

  3. Pence better have enjoyed the last POTUS event he hosted because that is the last crowd he is going to see of we the people unless it a crowd harassing him. He can join his pal Paul Ryan on K Street or wherever these scumbags go after they’ve served their purpose. Biden is going to have to have that inauguration in some controlled atmosphere to avoid the Trump crowds drowning it out. I reflect over the last 5 years and Pence never supported POTUS. People don’t give Trump credit for the class and grace he has offered these traitors. I suspect eventually we will learn some things about Pence that will explain a lot.

  4. Goldenfoxx,

    And how was he going to do this?

    The VP has limited powers and they are restricted to those specifically given to him by the Constitution. He can’t just declare war on anyone he wants to declare war on.

    Acting outside of that would lead to the total failure of the Constitution and a free for all of opposing powers and interests replacing it.

  5. “Acting outside of that would lead to the total failure of the Constitution and a free for all of opposing powers and interests replacing it.”

    I get it. Kind of like massive election fraud

  6. The same law pence was using to count votes says he should have skipped the states that objected him to. They sent him official letters saying they had fraud and they wanted 10 days to investigate and review. He denied them.
    pence is wrong and he knows it. He claimed to follow the law and he only followed the part he wanted to.

  7. It’s hard for me to believe that Karen Pence would be happy with what this one did, as good artists are interested in TRUTH. She may follow the lead of Tipper, wouldn’t that be rich?

  8. All that Pence was asked to do was to allow those states with questionable elector votes was to return them to those states where the legislators asked for them in order to correct the count. Perfectly constitutional and the right thing to do
    He instead chose to ignore the states requests and caved.
    Thats how he was party to the election theft.


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