“Will no one rid me of this…?” – IOTW Report

“Will no one rid me of this…?”

The Washington Examiner 

President-elect Joe Biden explained in candid terms how he would have acted if he had a major “moral” disagreement with former President Barack Obama.

Biden said Vice President-elect Kamala Harris and he share a similar worldview but recalled that he told Obama that should the two have a “fundamental disagreement” on a “moral principle,” he’d resign and claim illness. He then described Harris and him in lockstep on those principles.

“We are simpatico on our philosophy of government and simpatico on how we want to approach these issues that we are facing,” Biden said. “When we disagree, it’ll be just like — so far, it’s been just like when Barack and I did. It’s in private. She’ll say, ‘I think we should do A, B, C, or D,’ and I’ll say, ‘I like A, don’t like B and C. And let’s go, OK.'”

“And like I told Barack, if I reached something where there’s a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign,” Biden continued. “We don’t have that I’m — we haven’t — and we’ve discussed at length our views on foreign policy, on domestic policy, on intelligence.”

h/t WeLoveTrump

Family game night!

Does Joe get removed from *office?

If you think NO, tell me why.

If you think YES, tell me
*Why it happens.
*How does it happen.
*When does it happen.

25 Comments on “Will no one rid me of this…?”

  1. YES
    *Why it happens – dementia runs it’s course
    *How does it happen – you’re already seeing it. The drugs they are giving him won’t be effective much longer. Eventually it will be so obvious they will have to invoke the 25th. It’s always been in the plan
    *When does it happen – I’d say sometime this summer.

  2. Didn’t he say that if he had a disagreement with Harris that he would resign? So the boss has a disagreement with a subordinate and the boss resigns? How transparent can you get?

    Biden’s only job was to get Harris in the White House. And now that we know that elections that make some semblance of being honest are a thing of the past, we will never see another Republican President again. Just look at Washington State. The last Republican governor left office in 1984 and the state is where the Democrats figured out how to steal elections with impunity. Was there any house election where a Democrat was just as far ahead as a Republican was and ended up losing? Was there any election where the Democrat was ahead and the numbers even changed? No. It was only Democrats who came in from behind to win.

  3. – Yes, he will be removed.
    – How, well it could either be 25th OR the Hunter scandal could be used by the Dems. Never let a crisis go to waste.
    – When. That is the tough one. First, I don’t see Jill giving up the power and prestige no matter what they paid her. Second, the Dems have to be concerned about Harris not playing ball and her ego going up against Obama’s ego because I think everyone knows he is behind everything that has happened. Remember how sad he was that he just didnt have enough time? He’s invested 4 years to get that time.

  4. Yes, he’ll quit voluntarily, citing constant harassment by angry Trump supporters honking their goddam car horns outside the White House at all hours, and he didn’t run for Senate to get this abuse, so Barack will just have to find another VP.

  5. Joe hasn’t got long after the 20th. The plan along is Pelosi as VP Harris as puppet president. Deals were made; threats were made; and just look at Mitch the Bitch’s face, coercion.

  6. Hey – He could easily “contract” the dreaded Kung Flu, and he (of course) would refuse to take any of the life saving drug options that President Trump recommended…

  7. These people are seriously mentally sick, as money and power overcomes grown children.

    America will give them enough rope to hang themselves with, while remaining silent from fearful and nervous parents, as the destruction of all around becomes apparent. And, the hand of mercy shall by necessity must, and shall, smite this child
    forever to silence.

    Thus, it shall become the time to destroy this selfish, dangerous child before the world no longer exists for all.

  8. Yes!

    *Why it happens: Because he tells a reporter she’s an ugly fuck and then tells her his wife is prettier than she is. Then he pulls out a pic of jill in a bathing suit…

    *How does it happen: Pelosi tells the DOJ to start leaking hunter’s laptop evidence. Then she lets the networks know that they should ask biden questions.

    *When does it happen: March 17. He gets removed by the military. Everyone’s drunk, no one will notice.

    Later on, pelosi will set up kamala and she’ll install herself as president. lol.

  9. Jethro
    JANUARY 8, 2021 AT 6:50 PM

    “*When does it happen – I’d say sometime this summer.”

    …I think more like right after his *inaugural dinner.

    …she doesn’t strike me as the patient type…

  10. Joe will be allowed to resign with dignity; Medical reasons will be cited, since it is obvious to anyone he is demented. No scandal will be allowed to gain traction, because of his “condition”. We must be sensitive, and have compassion. This was the plan all along, and Joe has admitted as much.

    BTW: Hillary has been uncharacteristically quiet since the election. I wonder what THAT is all about?

  11. Yes, Joe is gonna be removed one way or another

    Yes, he’s going to either have another ‘accident’ and become brain damaged as a way to cover up the dementia, or he’s gonna just out and out die.

    It’s gonna happen before the summer hits. I’m thinking May.

  12. Yes, I agree with Jethro
    I think his handlers will be instructed to give him placebos at some point.maybe do it before a big speech and let everyone know how far he has gone down hill. Then blame it on Trump – stressed him out!

  13. WHY: Medical/Health
    HOW: Resignation (wife delivers at press conference)
    WHEN: Between February 22 (32 days) and August 3 (6 months + 14 days) so he will not go down in history as the president with the shortest term (HARRISON), but he will make it to second place before James GARFIELD.

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