Vice President Pence opposes using 25th amendment to remove Trump: Reports – IOTW Report

Vice President Pence opposes using 25th amendment to remove Trump: Reports

Damn, they’re pushy, aren’t they?
Why are they so nervous?

Just The News:

Vice President Mike Pence is opposed to using the 25th Amendment to remove President Donald Trump from power.

After violent riots swept through the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, Democrats and some Republicans have called for Trump administration officials to invoke the 25th amendment, which would strip Trump of power and make Pence the president for the remainder of the president’s term, which ends at noon on Jan. 20.

But according to reports from Business Insider and the New York Times, Pence won’t do so.

Just The News on Thursday reported a member of Trump’s cabinet confirmed the cabinet has no plans to invoke the 25th Amendment and strip him of presidential powers early.

“We’re not doing it,” said a cabinet secretary, who commented anonymously due to the sensitive nature of the topic. more here

39 Comments on Vice President Pence opposes using 25th amendment to remove Trump: Reports

  1. Why are they so worried that DJT retain power for this short time period? What possible threat could he be? Why are they so afraid of him?

    The whole world wonders …

  2. “After violent riots swept through the U.S. Capitol…”

    Nancy got her gavel snatched and the police murdered an unarmed woman, and that’s a violent riot.

    But burning down entire cities, terrorizing disarmed residents, and murdering Trump supporters are peaceful protests.

  3. Why are they so nervous?

    They’re nervous because Trump has the goods on many of them. SCOTUS Roberts has a lot of skeletons in his closet – good times on the Lolita Express and pedophilia on Epstein Island. They want Trump diminished to nothing more than a rock. He’s got them squirming like a toad. Cool. If Trump starts a third party, I will probably join. Talked to many of my Republican friends and they are done with the Republicans. Me as well.

  4. Pardon Snowden.
    Pardon Assange.
    Reveal who in congress has used the slush fund of public monies to buy non disclosure agreements with their sexual harassment victims.
    Expose everyone! Democrats, Republicans, Independents. That’s what they’re afraid of…


  5. Washington has sent a clear message that they are in full control, resistance is useless, voters no longer are going to pick candidates, they have that power. Pence is worried that they may have over stepped Americans and some of us just might fight, and is hinting he has fears of Patriots and war paths.

  6. Jeez no wonder Trump lost, his supporters are a bunch of straw clutching nellies. Trump is not going to declassify anything because he is not in possession of anything to declassify. Literally nothing. The enemy has all the documents. They are not going to release shit no matter what he says.

    You people keep lifting your skirts higher and higher and showing everyone your dirty stinky pussies. You need to be active participants in organizing a new political party and should be organizing against the huge social media platforms instead of giving each other reach-arounds about Trump pulling off some imaginary last minute save.

    The Repubs can’t be trusted period. The deep state is made up of both sides of the political isle. Focus should be on a new party with political sway that has definitely learned the McConnell way of dealing with the Tea Party & MAGA. Don’t be a bunch of dickless Charlie Brown’s letting McConnell pull the ball away after reorganizing.

  7. Anonymous January 8, 2021 at 3:24 pm

    Do you know who Michael Flynn is? Do you know what he did for 7 years. He has all the dirt and knows where to find the rest fool.

  8. These scumbags all know what they’ve done, and they know we know. That’s why they’ve got to shout us down and threaten us with nonsense they know will never happen. They’re all symbolically ripping up Trump’s SOTU right now. When they come down from their sugar high, they have to jump right into propping up Joe’s shambling shitshow and shouting at us that we are racists for mocking Kamala. I don’t envy them at all. At least Obama had actually won an election and had strong support when he took office.

  9. That would make him 46th PUS and the lying dogfaced pony soldier would have to change all the stationery.

    Pence is a cipher now. The only opinion that counts is Pelosi Galore’s.

    That should scare you.

  10. They steal the election. They use their party operatives to instigate a riot. And then they use it all to try and completely destroy President Trump.

    The democrats are absolute evil.

  11. “At least Obama had actually won an election and had strong support when he took office.”

    Bullshit. There hasn’t been a presidential election since at least 1960 that hasn’t involved fraud. Every election Obama was ever in involved some sort of fraud, even the one he could have won outright. That was against some guy named McCain if I recall correctly.

    As far strong support is concerned that was mainly from the MSM and the blacks. He repeatedly stabbed the blacks in the back but because black useful idiots are just as stupid as white useful idiots, they didn’t notice.

  12. “You need to be active participants in organizing a new political party and should be organizing against the huge social media platforms…”

    If only this had occurred in 1775 we could have saved ourselves a lot of trouble.

    Run along now, and get to “organizing”. I have some kitchen cabinets could use your talents when you get done with that little political thing.

  13. A simple matter of economics. They didn’t pay him for that. He performed his contract and if they want more from him, they need to pay him more under a new contract. “It’s not personal, it’s business.”

  14. @Brad, @ThirdTwin and anyone else mentioning it;

    The coin pass was so blatantly bizarre and unseemly, a blanket of dread covered my soul when I was them PRESS the coin into his hand and they attempted to hide it. Then abortion soulless eyes Pelosi knocks elbows in congratulations…?

    No way it’s a ‘challenge coin’. It looked like a pendant or a badge wrapped in fine gold mesh to me.
    Very satanic.


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