RNC chairwoman R🌺nna McDaniel reelected, vows 2022 🦋GOP comeback! 🌸 YAY! – IOTW Report

RNC chairwoman R🌺nna McDaniel reelected, vows 2022 🦋GOP comeback! 🌸 YAY!

Sara Carter: Following a chaotic week in national politics with the deadly Capitol riots and the brutal Georgia runoffs, Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel was unanimously reelected Friday for another two years at the top of the Republican Party.

Her reelection comes days after Democrats swept both of Georgia’s U.S. Senate seats in the twin runoff elections this past Tuesday that was a stinging defeat for the GOP. Democrats now hold a razor-thin majority in the upper congressional chamber and have gained the last piece of the trifecta after winning the White House in November and the House back in the 2018 midterm elections.

In a speech at a party gathering in Florida, the former Michigan GOP chairwoman said she was “mad” about their defeat in Georgia and acknowledged that retaking both chambers of Congress in the 2022 midterms will be a challenge, vowing though to work to restore Republican control over the legislative branch during her next term as chair of the RNC.

“We have a lot of hard work to do to take back the Senate and the House in 2022, but I am mad and I’m not going to let socialism rule this country,” McDaniel pledged.

“I’m going to work with every single one of you to make sure we squash it and we take back the House and take back the Senate,” she continued.

“So Democrats, get ready, buckle your seatbelts,” the Michigan Republican added. “We’re coming.” more

😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 – she’s sooooper mad, you guys!!!
Well, at least she didn’t trash Trump.

56 Comments on RNC chairwoman R🌺nna McDaniel reelected, vows 2022 🦋GOP comeback! 🌸 YAY!

  1. No mention of the stolen election, that doesn’t bother her? 🤔 Guess it just slipped her mind that Georgia was stolen too.

    She was good at getting President Trump elected, but the House and Senate not so much.

  2. MJA:

    😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 – she’s sooooper mad, you guys!!!
    Well, at least she didn’t trash Trump.

    It’s a shitty state of affairs when we take it as a plus when the head of the President’s political party simply refrains from bashing him.

    Some time this week I’ll stop by the county board of elections office and change my voter registration to Unaffiliated from Repugnican.

  3. Hahaha! It’s so cute how you think the Republicans are going to be in charge of anything…ever.
    Now that vote theft and fraud have been approved by even the highest court in the land, you, my dear, will never stand a chance. The demoncraps are so much better at that game than you spineless, useless wastes of skin could ever be.
    I detest you surrender weasels so much. At least with the demoncraps you can see the freakin’ machete coming at you from the front. I am damn sick and tired of having to pull knives out of my back when dealing with you stupid shots.

  4. “I’m going to work with every single one of you to make sure we squash it and we take back the House and take back the Senate,” she continued.

    That’s nice sweetie. But the machines we use to cast votes with sort of rule out your little plans.

  5. How does she propose to take the House and the Senate when we are not allowed to examine why those elections were lost? Now that the Democrats have stolen the most Important single election in the country, what is going to stop them now — especially now that the Democrats have a green light to pack the Supreme Court?

    Talking about how we “lost” those elections without mentioning why we lost those elections does not instil confidence in me. It sounds more like “Now that we are in the back seat we can pontificate and sound important and talk about what we would do if we were in control without actually being in control where people would expect us to actually do something.”

  6. Where was she when the democraps were suing in all those states to (illegally) change election rules. If her head wasn’t up her ass then we might not be in this mess now.

  7. Brad –
    “…I’m going out on a limb here and say by this time next year we all belong to a new party…”

    I agree, see my comment above. It’s the American Patriot Party (or some variation thereof). It’s the only APP you need.

  8. “Democrats swept both of Georgia’s U.S. Senate seats in the twin runoff elections this past Tuesday that was a stinging defeat for the GOP.”

    Fuck that noise. It was a Mini-Me of 11/3. I was there. This bullshit has become routine, and they are pretending the Georgia steal was actually just a great ground game by the Democrats and their hard-working super-genius Tank Abrams.

    Again, FUCK THAT NOISE. I was there and it was another goddam steal while the state GOPers stood by with their fingers up their asses. Again. Maybe a few GOPer Erick Erickson types stayed home, but not enough for the Dems to win without fraud. My fellow Georgians here at IOTW will back be up on that.

    If Ronna Daniels believes we let the Dems win fair and square she should be sent packing.

  9. “I’m going out on a limb here and say by this time next year we all belong to a new party.”

    That’s a stout limb you’re standing on, Brad. I am done with the party of Paul Ryan, Necrosis Mitch and Mitt Romney. And all the other turncoat maggots who are planning to impeach President Trump.

  10. Thirdtwin is right.

    The same playbook, machines, and election officials as the November election. The republicans were ahead at 10 PM and 90% of the precincts in where there a jump in the dem votes in the middle of the night. Another election stolen.

    The GA Secretary of State needs to be tarred and feathered.

  11. Where are they going for votes? To whom will they make their appeal, Trump voters?

    Many of these people have not yet grasped the reality of this situation.

    We are the very people who – for years – defended the Bushes, the McCains, and the Romneys against the media lies and smears when they were the nominees for President, then WE VOTED FOR THEM. We put every one of them in their respective offices. We then voted for Donald Trump and these very people did not defend us against the Media/Left’s fashioning of us in the most grotesque terms. In their own ways, they heaped their scorn upon us and our President.

    Ya. Fuck You.

  12. CT Ginger,

    “…Yeah, sure. The GOP has more consistently disappointed me than frozen supermarket pizza…”

    CT Ginger for the win!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 That was the funniest comment I’ve read in a while.

  13. All you “new party” people will be just making it easier for total democrat control.
    Like it or not, we need to purge RINOs and rebuild a newer and better Republican Party.
    There is no victory in voting third party.

  14. All you “rebuild a newer and better Republican Party” people are pretty out of touch with reality.

    All you losers do is try to drag people down to your wretched mentality. “Accept defeat” The game is rigged” You’re powerless”

    Lol. All you turd burglars are good for is eating hot dogs that fell on the floor like any other craven mutt.

    Enjoy your servitude, loser.

  15. Brad, with all due respect, how has that third party route worked in the past? The rules of the game are written to INSURE that the current SO-CALLED 2 party system will be the only game. The best indicator of future performance is past performance.

  16. Why would I want to vote for a “new and improved” batch of hands-across-the-aisle, spineless, open border, Big Gooberment, Left leaning, never Trumper, Repugnican, never conservative, always campaigning, never for the people, DildoCrat ass-kissing, Libtard tea-bagging, GOPe RINOs?

  17. Super Double Anonymous +1

    Wow, such a powerful name with such a powerful statement that he has has to give himself a thumbs up since no one else will.

    Enjoy your video game in your Mommy’s basement tonight loser.

  18. “The best indicator of future performance is past performance.”

    Exactly. The GOP has f*cked us in the past, as well as the present.

    Why would I accept that particular ride across the river on the back of the GOP crocodile in the future?

    Thanks for making our point.

  19. The R’s and the D’s are One party, THE PRETENDERS. Rush called it back under Obama, Trump was an accident that The PRETENDER Party won’t allow again. You expect a real election? It’s easier to pretend. Pretend a mask will keep you safe. You know how it is.. AND you pay no matter what. Pretend you plebs. Pretend. Pretend you want what they want. Pretend.
    Liars. Frauds. Hypocrites-PRETENDERS.
    Truth, liberty and justice for all or Pretend? It’s easier to pretend our equality under the law wasn’t stolen. Just another kind of mask, republican.

  20. Hey, I know it’s late, but I cracked up at…

    “you….you floor hot dog eater.”

    5-second rule. Eat that sucker, especially if it’s on a floor “you can eat off of” – like mine when I become a floor-flusher once a week. 🙂

  21. The problem with third parties is they tend to come up at the last minute as ad hoc vanity parties for someone’s Presidential race. That’s why we need to get to work on it NOW.

  22. Both the Demonrats and Republicrats were third parties at one time.
    Yes, they have a lock on the “elections” now, but nothing lasts forever (nothing terrestrial, at any rate). And neither party represents any Americans, anymore.

    Many are slow to awaken, but awaken they will – it is inevitable (ovens are hot and re-education camps don’t really re-educate).

    izlamo delenda est …

  23. Since the Republican party has gone off the rails, it’s time for a new party with a new philosophy that reflects what most of us here believe in. Such as: stop CCP influence in America, stop infanticide, severely limit immigration, stop voter fraud, etc., etc.

    It’s been done before when the Whig Party was sent packing and its members went over to the new Republican Party.

    Most organizations are subject to entropy. Many times they change into their opposite. From being a beacon for freedom and independence, the Republican Party is now a handmaiden of evil.

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