Gavin Newsom Recall Campaign Reaches 1 Million Signature Mark – IOTW Report

Gavin Newsom Recall Campaign Reaches 1 Million Signature Mark

California Global: The campaign to recall Governor Gavin Newsom announced Wednesday that they have broken the 1 million signature barrier and now are about 2/3rds of the way to getting a recall election against Governor Newsom later this year.

The petition campaign has been going on since last year and had been given a 120 day extension in November. However, Newsom’s refusal to end the lockdown, as well as the Governor being caught violating his own state health guidelines at gatherings, his inaction during the $2 billion EDD fraud case, and, until recently, a lack of any relief follow-up for small businesses following a few programs last year, brought new life into the campaign in December. The campaign made national and even international news due to the multiple incidents, adding a large number of new signatures virtually overnight.

The movement has not shown to have slowed down since. The campaign sat at just over 800,000 signatures in mid-December. Less than a month later, over 1 million had been announced.


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