Hunter Biden Emails Reveal Facebook Banned Accounts At Biden’s Request – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden Emails Reveal Facebook Banned Accounts At Biden’s Request

Update: More creepy things seem to have fallen out of Hunter Biden’s laptop.


–Adam Conner, Vice President of Center For American Progress founded Facebook’s Washington DC office in 2007 and BANNED Facebook Accounts At Hunter Biden’s Request While Working For Facebook

— Adam Conner went on to work for John Podesta and Barack Obama

It has been two months since Hunter Biden’s emails were leaked to the public, exposing his father’s shady ties to influence peddling in the Ukraine during his time as Vice President.

While the mainstream media chose to ignore the emails which directly compromised Joe Biden, the Democrat nominee for President, the emails still need to be thoroughly examined as they provide evidence to another growing threat in our nation: Big Tech election interference through political censorship.

Throughout the 2020 election cycle, it became increasingly evident that Big Tech was purging accounts on Facebook and Twitter that were critical of Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and accounts that expressed support for President Trump. The censorship became too big to ignore when both Twitter and Facebook locked the account of the New York Post and limited their ability to share and post news stories after the New York Post published a bombshell report detailing some of Hunter Biden’s emails that were provided to them by Rudy Guiliani, President Trump’s attorney. The emails proved that Hunter Biden introduced his father to a top Ukranian energy firm executive while he was Vice President, which means Joe Biden used his influence as Obama’s Vice President to enrich his family through lucrative business deals with foreign nations like Ukraine and China, compromising the integrity of the Vice Presidency, as well as US national security.

Facebook went as far as “fact checking” Hunter’s emails and banned accounts that posted the emails or the New York Post story, automatically labeling all Hunter Biden stories and emails as “Russian disinformation”. read more

SNIP: From Dan Bongino on Parler:


The Hunter Biden stuff about to come out is going to deeply disturb and shake you. Even more so than the troubling information which emerged a few months ago. Get ready, it’s ugly.

11 Comments on Hunter Biden Emails Reveal Facebook Banned Accounts At Biden’s Request

  1. Why investigate those things when no investigation has shown them to be true because no investigation has taken place be cause no investigation has shown them to be true.

    Or something like that.

  2. Of course they did. Look around. Why would such actions occur and who could possibly benefit?

    Oh was there cheating and fraud in the most recent presidential election?
    Did PDJT suffer from a proganda machince greater than the one run by Her Goebbels”

  3. Hunter Biden and Joe Biden – citizens of the century didn’t do nothing wrong and in fact deserve to both be on Mount Rushmore (minus the crack pipe of course).

  4. “Get ready, it’s ugly.”

    chainese twitter is very busy today, posting pics of hunter and children. For some reason, they’re letting it roll in china, but anywhere else, they’re censoring it, saying it is child pornography. So it doesn’t get any coverage. They’re ‘steering’ the chainese and keeping this country in the dark.
    “Show me the evidence”
    ‘I can’t- it is illegal to show it or even look at it’
    “oh, OK. I guess it doesn’t matter then”

    it is disgusting


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