Amid record-high reported mask usage, Fauci urges Americans to ‘wear a mask’ for at least 100 more days – IOTW Report

Amid record-high reported mask usage, Fauci urges Americans to ‘wear a mask’ for at least 100 more days

JustTheNews: Amid record-high reports of mask usage throughout the country, infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci this week urged Americans to wear face coverings as a way to stem record-high positive test results of COVID-19 nationwide.

Asked by NPR on Thursday how the incoming Biden administration might work to stop the spread of COVID-19, Fauci cited, in part, the rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations.

Another tactic, he said, would be “having everyone for at least 100 days — at least — wear a mask.” more

SNIP: I know we’re not supposed to say we hate people. So I’m just gonna type it out. I hate this guy so much.

30 Comments on Amid record-high reported mask usage, Fauci urges Americans to ‘wear a mask’ for at least 100 more days

  1. If this bastard and joey have their way they will implement it immediately by Executive order nationwide on 1-21-21 and effectively lockdown the entire country until at least May 1st. It will totally destroy what’s left of the economy and 2021 will be a bigger clusterfuck than 2020 was. I hate these bastards.

  2. I actually has a nurse tell me with a straight face, I think it was straight face as she had a mask on, that regular flue was down because of the mask wearing. I didn’t want to get into it with her so I let it go.
    No wonder the health care system is so fugged up.

  3. Before the federalskis think, do they even bother to look at data from the states? There’s PLENTY of states with mandatory masks for almost a goddamn year and their case counts climb without regard. The people are walking around thinking they are protected from the WuFlu because goon doctors say the masks protect them. Then they end up spending 3 to 4 weeks in quarantine wondering how the hell they got infected, if they don’t just flat out die. Just come clean and be honest already: masks don’t do jackshit, they are a placebo to show that you CAIR. FU, FauXi, take your designer masks and shuv it.

  4. With all the masks and stuff, almost no one should be catching a cold this year, or the Flu either for that mater.

    And that will be the proof they work, at least all that is needed.

  5. A power drunk midget with a Napoleon complex isn’t anyone I care to take advise from. His true motives are transparent to those who’ll take the time to look. He’s purposely sowing confusion and fear to accelerate the fracturing of our society’s cohesion.

  6. I know for sure they DO NOT help in the least bit when you pass one of those gals wearing that stinky perfume that chokes the air of your lungs as you pass in the store isle.

  7. Discussed here before that wearing the frickin mask 😷 muzzle has made me sick, so let me get this straight, I’m supposed to wear something that makes me sick do other’s don’t get sick. Huh? 🤔

  8. If businesses post for masks I wear it just long enough to get inside, then take it off. That’s what happens in restaurants & no one gives a shit, so why not the grocery or hardware store?
    If .gov has decided they don’t need to follow the Constitution, I don’t need to follow their “rules”.

  9. I don’t wear it over my nose and only wear it at all as a ‘Karen-avoidance’ tool. I like to avoid confrontation while armed whenever and wherever possible.

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