Rush Limbaugh: The Swamp Is Really Scared of Trump – IOTW Report

Rush Limbaugh: The Swamp Is Really Scared of Trump

PJM: Here’s Why.

Rush Limbaugh addressed the craziness of the past few days on his show on Friday and concluded something I think most of us have come to realize: the swamp is scared.

While discussing Nancy Pelosi’s latest absurd push for impeachment, Rush pointed out that there’s not enough time for Democrats to boot Trump out of office and/or prevent him from seeking the presidency again.

“So they gotta do this in 11 days. So they’ve gotta call the House together, then they got to get the Senate to go ahead and convict for this. And then they want a proviso that Trump cannot seek the presidency ever again,” Rush said.

“I swear. The entire Washington establishment is poised. They are recoiling in fear. They are cowering in fear in the corners. They are scared to death of Donald Trump. They are scared to death of you.”

Rush then addressed Pelosi’s bizarre suggestion that she has the military on standby in case Trump wants to launch a nuclear attack. “Who are we gonna nuke?” Trump asked. “The little pot-bellied dictator, Kim Jong-un?”

Pelosi is obviously not afraid Trump will launch a nuclear attack. So what are they afraid of? According to Rush, “They’re terrified that Trump is gonna unleash classified documents. You know, he’s got a bevy of ’em, folks. He’s got classified documents about the hoax, the four-year coup […] the four-year effort to get the election results of 2016 overturned. There are all kinds of people who broke the law, all kinds of people who are quaking in their boots. They’re worried silly that Trump is gonna unleash some of these classified documents.” keep reading

21 Comments on Rush Limbaugh: The Swamp Is Really Scared of Trump

  1. I wil buy PAST TENSE. Current tenso no! No wthat all the liberal/leftist /Gop have shown their colors who will do what he says? GWB’s boy Wray? Right!
    VP Oence? Rioght again!
    leftist Kevin in House? Right!

    Swamp feared kDon for 3.9 years. Whit what I had hoped was good reason.
    I am stealing a line from someone whose name I forgot, I may later give him credit if I read it again, “Trump is the lamest of lame ducks.” At least when Ronny left the libs were not screaming impeach – GWB’s leftist tool Adam H!

  2. The time to release this stuff was before the election or shortly after it was discovered.

    When I hear “bombshell, tik tok, tik tok”, I am tuned out at this point.

    Conservative media is the Lucy and Charlie Brown with the football of prick teases.

  3. Remember that we all agree that the election was stolen. And that means that there are way more of us than them.
    Focus your actions while keeping that in mind.
    They want us to feel isolated and outnumbered, we have to make it clear to them that we know that.

  4. With all he’s facing and still fighting the good fight! God bless you Rush! Regardless of what’s ahead, you’ve given this country the full measure of devotion. We will be eternally grateful.

  5. gin is right. They’re trying to make themselves look bigger than they are to scare people. They know even Dems are saying, “WTF???”
    Because at least some of them can see when they do it to the right, they’ll do it to the left of center, and keep going until they stop at “Squad Member.” Even half of the asshole dems in congress don’t want that.
    As I said before, the House is already showing cracks with the “Squad” fighting with the others. And it isn’t hunting season yet. lol.

  6. The Swamp isn’t afraid of Trump. Nothing has happened to them in the 4 years Trump has been President. They’ve been wailing against him even before he stepped into the race coming down the escalator. They’ve had 4 years to rig the election and they carried it out – but not flawlessly. They don’t care, they got it done and they’re still on the government payroll and now with better jobs than before.

    Rush is at the end of his life, I really haven’t heard anything out of him for a long time now that has me confident about our countries future. Rush is a spokesman, nothing more to say really. JMHO.

  7. Trump has nothing on these people (just as I knew that Pence would do absolutely nothing to prevent the stealing of the election). If he did he would have released it when it might have done some good. Even if he has absolute proof of treason from “those people” and releases it now Biden will just pardon them (the corrupt DOJ/FBI will do nothing to prosecute anyway). Heck, I would imagine that within a few weeks of the inauguration Biden will start pardoning a whole slew of people. It is getting very old to keep hearing the same “Trump is going to ….” over and over again from the conservative media.

  8. Although the dems are carefully herded, when push comes to shove we still may see a few with enough shreds of decency to not carry the country over the cliff.
    Commander Cunningham msg from Wake Island: “Situation in doubt”

  9. I do think they’re scared of something, I just don’t think Trump will pull the trigger or he would have already. I of course hope I’m wrong, but I’ve kind of given up.

    I do know there are more of us than them, but I do not know how to stop them. I’m totally against this stuff of taking back the party at the local level, I’ve been hearing that forever. Most of them make you jump through hoops just to get in the door and they’re not real welcoming to new blood. They like their power just as much as those in D.C. It has never worked, if it did we wouldn’t be where we’re at.
    I do believe in scaring your local elected folks, I have seen that work this past year at smaller city councils. They back down in a hurry when local pissed off citizens show up with pitchforks and loudly tell them they will physically remove them if necessary. Each and every place this happened in my state, they immediately either canceled their meeting without voting on mask mandates, curfews, businesses shut down, etc. or voted against any of it.

    The problem is that gets harder to do the higher up the government goes or in the bigger cities.

    The easiest thing to do would be to cut off their money, the problem is you can never get enough people to not send them money. So then those who do it are so small in number that IRS just comes in and buries them.

    I would like to think we’d take up arms and take the country back, but I still haven’t even seen 1/4 of the people consistently not wear their dumbass masks.

  10. Brennan issued this tweet:

    “Every politician, government official, journalist, & talk show host who has ignored & enabled Trump’s lies & corruption bears responsibility for the damage he has wrought.

    Spare us the excuses. You failed the test of citizenship. It is now up to you to try to redeem yourselves.”

    I never saw any of Trump’s “lies, corruption, damage”.

    Can anyone decipher this and give me examples of “lies, corruption, damage” done by Trump? Please, somebody clue me in if I have missed it.

  11. @ TimBuktu

    Are you really that naive? The commies NEVER speak truth, only what YOU MUST BELIEVE IS TRUTH.

    IF Brennan said, get back from the train track there’s a train coming, I’d definitely check for myself, because the commie bastard would be directing me to move onto the track the train is really using.

  12. No….the swamp is NOT scared of Trump. They hated him but the weren’t scared of him. In fact they hated him so much they committed sedition, treason and multiple felonies to insure he was removed from office. He was so powerful that they needed to fear him he could have drained the swamp. But he couldn’t. It’s up to
    ‘We The People’ to drain the swamp. And that’s going to require MILES of rope and THOUSANDS of lamp posts.

  13. @MM

    How do you get naive from that? I wouldn’t expect truth out of that snake. I am only interested in what flim-flam they would charge Trump with. IOW, what will they attempt to get congress, or a jury, and the public, to swallow.

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