Slamming landlords leaves NYC’s housing on brink of disaster – IOTW Report

Slamming landlords leaves NYC’s housing on brink of disaster

NYP: New York’s politicians have rushed to safeguard tenants during the pandemic and lockdowns, with multiple protections against eviction and guarantees that you don’t have to pay rent — without facing the fact that cutting off landlords’ income is courting other kinds of disaster.

State lawmakers just deepened the problem with a new law extending the eviction moratorium and adding other tenant protections — with no relief for landlords out months of income.

Last week, The Post profiled the plight of 88-year-old Harlem landlord David Howson, who faces his own eviction as tenants in his 10-unit building refuse to pay rent for his co-op apartment in Inwood. Worse: When his family goes to court on his behalf, they’ll be outgunned by city-provided lawyers repping the tenants. more

21 Comments on Slamming landlords leaves NYC’s housing on brink of disaster

  1. What idiots, for a few years we had a house that we still had a mortgage on that we rented out in order to pay the mortgage. So if they had done this to us then eventually we wouldn’t have been able to pay the mortgage and they would have been evicted anyway.
    Not all landlords are doing it for income.

  2. Somehow I gotta hunch our victim always voted left. Can we say “YOUR CHICKENS ARE COMING HOME TO ROOST?” Oh, almost forgot: Nothing cures liberalism faster than becoming a victim of their own belief.

  3. The question I’ve never been able to understand is what possesses half of the nation to vote for more of the gross mismanagement that causes them to migrate away from the very states where it’s most prevalent.

  4. Your saying to yourself, I would like to live in a liberal shithole but the real estate is to expensive. Well now with the dems in control of everything no need to worry, the shithole will be coming to you.

  5. “Nothing cures liberalism faster than becoming a victim of their own belief”
    You’ve probably heard this: A conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged.

  6. Kind of like Dr Zhivago were the reds take over your possessions and hand them out to everyone. Of course the leaders live lavishly while turning everyone else poor.

  7. @gin blossom, the half of the nation that votes for the “gross mismanagement” is not the same people that migrates out, it is the other half.

    Here in California, the liberal half (closer to 70 %) would love us conservatives to get the hell out, all of us. Of course the tax implications are lost on them, it is the bigger issue of purity. To them conservatives weaken the gene pool, dilute the collective IQ and stand in the way of a more greener, fairer more equitably run state. Once the riff raff clear out, the plutocrats can institute their own version of Shangri-La unimpeded, it will be a beautiful thing.

  8. rich taylor, I have to disagree with you. Out of all the Californians I’ve met that have moved to our state over the years, only one conservative moved to escape leftism, the rest brought their leftist shit with them.
    New Yorkers seem to have a better track record, it’s about 70% conservatives escaping leftists.
    Illinois is about 50/50.

    During all of our traveling this past year and talking to many people in different states, all that I talked to about out of staters moving in all said the same thing, the Californians ruined their state or are trying to ruin their state.

  9. ORWW, I can only speak anecdotally. Over the years I’ve had about half a dozen friends and business co-workers tell me that they were getting out because of the politics. I plan on leaving myself once I tie up some family loose ends, and I guaran-damn-ty you that wherever I go I will move the collective red meter farther to the right.

    Last month Ben Shapiro took his entire Daily Wire staff, about 73 employees out of California, to Tennessee. Even after given the option of staying and working remotely almost all of them made the move. Given the rapid decay of livability here, it is a no brainer.

  10. Calif refugees are sure wrecking Vegas. The horrible driving. I don’t care about speeding so much, but we get those red light running idiots that cause so much trouble. They come here and cannot wait to raise taxes and clamp down on everything. We have a pure blue guv and 2 pure blue senatorettes, and 3 out of 4 congress critters now. All thanks to our dominion votes.


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