Dershowitz: Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump – IOTW Report

Dershowitz: Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump

Senate Won’t Take up Trial- Can’t Impeach Private Citizen.

14 Comments on Dershowitz: Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump

  1. What they are angling for is disqualification. I am pretty sure that is what McConnell wants as well. It all comes down to interpretation, which means SCOTUS decides. Hmmm. How do you think they will rule?

  2. Democrats can do whatever the hell they like.

    Don’t you get it?

    We’re not a nation of laws any more.

    The law is whatever the Democrats say it is at any given moment, applies to only whoever Democrats say it applies to, and is ratified by the media and enforced by everyone from career Deep State agents to the Karen next door, and its structured in such a way that EVERYONE is a “lawbreaker” so selective enforcement can be used immediately on anyone who questions authority…

  3. it’s just another distraction for the media chimps to chase around, so as to grab our attention away from the D’rats/Repugnants doing their Chinese masters bidding

    … selling out the country is hard business, after all!
    (just as the Joe Biden Crime Family™️)

  4. So it’s not legal to impeach Trump after he leaves office…..big effing deal.
    Since when has THE LAW mattered to the commie left. They do what they want
    safe in the knowledge that they are ABOVE ACCOUNTABILITY.


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