Kamala gets another bedsheet for a backdrop – IOTW Report

Kamala gets another bedsheet for a backdrop

Patriot Retort: Say, remember back in 2019 when Kamala’s presidential campaign was doing so badly she was appearing in front of a bedsheet backdrop?

Sure you do! I wrote about HERE.

Talk about low-budget production quality.

Well, for some reason, in their upcoming lickspittle feature on Kamala Harris, Vogue decided to go with a cover photo of Kamala standing awkwardly in front of a bedsheet.

26 Comments on Kamala gets another bedsheet for a backdrop

  1. Kamala Harris is obviously stupid and incompetent.

    Stupid and incompetent enough to become the Vice President of the United States and quite likely its future President as well.

  2. One of the absolute least talked about but most important aspects of the election is what will Harris do as President?
    WE already know.
    – She’s gonna make Barack Obama look a little bit decent in comparison.

  3. “Nyayukyukyuk- okay… okay… uh huh. I look GUD, don’t I? Hyukyukyuk.”

    Goddamn, how could it be that a power thirsty hoe bag legitimately slept and blew her way onto office? The fact that this obscene creature will be our first woman president is shameful beyond expression.

  4. That hair-do is 1970’s what’s up with that. And Chuck Taylor shoes oh my word. And here the Dems made fun of Sarah Palins wardrobe and she looked 100 times better than this tramp.

  5. Brace yourself for Mooshelle Obama-level fawning. Instead of believing our lying eyes, we are supposed to believe that Converse All Stars are the height of fashion and class.


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