Biden Chief of Staff Seems to Back $23 Minimum Wage – IOTW Report

Biden Chief of Staff Seems to Back $23 Minimum Wage


Incoming White House chief of staff Ron Klain on Friday appeared to endorse a $23-per-hour minimum wage, just minutes after President-elect Joe Biden called for boosting the federal minimum wage.

Klain retweeted a tweet by California-based investor and onetime presidential aspirant Joe Sanberg that called $15 per hour a “step in the right direction” but argued that Americans are “entitled to $23 an hour” to keep in line with rising productivity since the 1960s.

The Biden transition team did not respond to a request for comment as to whether either Klain or Biden endorses a $23-per-hour minimum wage. more here

27 Comments on Biden Chief of Staff Seems to Back $23 Minimum Wage

  1. In a move to destroy those few small business that survived covid-19…

    After all small businesses can’t compete in a global economy.

    They are now obsolete.

  2. … and so, as we end this chapter in American History, we realize that We the People allowed the Small Business Community to experience the equivalent of a Hostile Takeover by BIG CORP…. all done with the blessings of the politicians they bribe… and We the people didn’t even whimper.

  3. ………… a step in the right direction would be everything being FREE.
    work for free, shop for free, health, housing, education & everything I have left out should be FREE also.
    Everyone should be required to smile.

  4. God will not help us, God is punishing us, and will continue to do so. The left is an excellent foil for him to use to bring this all down. The worship of Mammon brought us to this point and by Mammon we will be utterly destroyed.

  5. At the rate that the fed is printing money, I imagine minimum wage will be about 10 billion/hour in a short time. And that 10 billion won’t buy a loaf of bread. Welcome to Zimbabwe north.

  6. That equates to almost $48,000 per year for unskilled labor. My 15yo bagging groceries would make more than my entry level salaried inspectors. We start them at $45,000/year with full benefits including paid healthcare, which is good in the midwest for an in house trained highschool graduate. If they work hard and do good work, we we compensate them accordingly, it can go up quite quickly. I have one that earns $80,000/yr. But if you can earn that starting salary bagging groceries…..It’s way more than the fast food industry and restaurants that will be irreparably harmed.

  7. So, over the years, I am explained the negative impact on the poor (lost jobs) of raising the minimum wage to both 15-year olds and politicians. The 15-year olds got it. $23 per hour times zero hours = ????? (the math is just too hard). Regional differences (which are great) in cost of living suggests this should be a state issue, not a federal one. Most politicians are dumber than bricks, which doesn’t help when trying to design good policy.

  8. @Anonymous JANUARY 11, 2021 AT 10:01 AM
    “God will not help us, God is punishing us, and will continue to do so. The left is an excellent foil for him to use to bring this all down. The worship of Mammon brought us to this point and by Mammon we will be utterly destroyed.”

    Friend God doesn’t have to punish us – all he has to do is allow to either chose a future without Him or allow us to live with our decisions made without His Loving Truth. Socialism and Communism have no God but human greed and ego while national socialists become their own gods.

    Either way we Americans become obsolete.

  9. The obsolete man nailed it.
    They’re out to destroy what remains of small independent businesses.
    OK assholes, you’re going to create the words largest and dynamic underground economy and good luck trying to forcefully collect tax money out of it!

  10. Don’t worry, once hyperinflation kicks in they’ll be raising the minimum wage to $40 an hour, then $100. They’re just trying to get a head of the inflation curve now before their policies really tank the economy.

    Buy Gold, land or other hard assets with what ever $$$ you have today. Don’t leave your money in cash, bonds or other government promises.

  11. The morons tried this in the Seventies. Took the minimum wage from $1.60 to $2.50 an hour over a couple of years. Each consecutive time they raised it the other wages rose by the same percentage along with the avg. prices. Each time the minimum wage earner was left no better off than before other than having a larger number on his paycheck that ended up being worth no more than before.

  12. When there is a minimum wage, the economy knows it. We see this every year on base, get a 2.5% raise and everything goes up 5% in the PX and Commissary. When more money is chasing same quantity of goods, it takes more cash to purchase same amount.
    The people who would bit hardest with a 23$ wage would be the entry level non skilled labor pool, because you must earn appx. 1.5 times your wage to break even for your employer, when you figure in the true HR burden of taxes, and insurance.
    Who would hire unskilled labour and train them at a loss until they are skilled enough to justify that wage?, and how would you grow your skill set if no one will hire you?
    Wages should be a sacred contact between employee and employer, not to be a pawn for the FSA.


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