Sirens, Checkpoints, Protests: Scenes From Quebec’s First Night of Curfew – IOTW Report

Sirens, Checkpoints, Protests: Scenes From Quebec’s First Night of Curfew

After the province reported over 3,000 daily COVID-19 cases for the first time ever this week, Premier Legault said a “shock treatment” was needed to curb the virus’ spread.

Because why would Canadian Cuomo lie about the numbers?

16 Comments on Sirens, Checkpoints, Protests: Scenes From Quebec’s First Night of Curfew

  1. Actual policing (stopping crime and capturing criminals) requires cooperation from the public. Cops in these Commie jurisdictions are neutering themselves by causing the public to hate their guts.

  2. Freedom is crumbling in front of our eyes. Also here in NY we have the original Communism Cuomo spewing random restrictions on formerly free citizens. Sorry to hear he has been cloned in Canada. The “Boys from Brazil” comes to mind.

  3. They’re waiting and baiting for armed violent confrontation. When it happens, job complete. Justification for the Police State. Remember Obama’s talk of a civilian army and all the crazy ammo procurements of the government agencies?

  4. NO Canada!
    Castro’s son makes the village idiot look like….well, Biden which ain’t sayin much.

    They already tried to silence Jordan Peterson with that “personal pronoun” crap.

  5. Strange how they are using paramilitary methods and tactics against a disease, yet they never did this in two decades against the proven militant threat of islamism.

    Well, that’s not completely true. We now have jackboots at the airport with intrusive scanners, and intelligence agencies snooping our private conversations, health records and financial transactions, all in the name of stopping Covid—I mean, Terrorism.

    And that’s not all. Now we have jackboots at the polling places with scanners to stop Trumpism—I mean, Domestic Terrorism.

    See you at the checkpoint, Charlie.

  6. Quebec has been going back and forth between Quebec Nationalists/quasi separatists and Liberals for as long as I can remember.
    The current Pig Fucker Legault believes that “Quebec can remain inside Canada If the Federal Government increases Power of the province”
    This is what he does with his power and why they will swing back to Liberals on the next federal election.
    Ontario is what gave Turdo his minority in the last one since Quebec significantly voted for these types of pigs. Quebec will swing back to Turdo after this behavior.

    Turd will get a majority if there is another election, Dominion voting or not.

  7. @m.

    At this point, what difference is there to Canadians if this is how we act currently.
    Remember, Turdeau wanted Chinese military training in cold weather with our troops (who were against it from the top down)


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