In Central America, tensions rise as soldiers aim to stop migrants – IOTW Report

In Central America, tensions rise as soldiers aim to stop migrants

TAPACHULA, Mexico (Reuters) – Guatemalan and Honduran soldiers will be deployed to prevent new U.S.-bound migrant caravans from advancing, military officials said, amid growing desperation among those seeking to cross and signs that some groups will depart later this month.

Two devastating hurricanes late last year along with severe economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic have pushed millions of people in the already-poor region closer to hunger, leading to a steady rise in U.S.-bound migration through Mexico.

In the Mexican border town of Tapachula, which sits just north of Guatemala, frustrated groups of migrants who had already succeeded in crossing the border pleaded with officials to provide them with humanitarian visas to let them cross.

“We just want them to give us an answer,” shouted one distraught migrant, Suset Palmares, a Cuban who wore a face mask like most others around her.

Mexican soldiers decked out in riot gear stood nearby as migration officials with bullhorns ordered migrants gathered on a street and blocking traffic to disperse. keep reading

7 Comments on In Central America, tensions rise as soldiers aim to stop migrants

  1. If a hurricane weren’t the excuse something else would be.
    I’m sure humanitarian ais has been getting sent.
    They figure Biden will grant amnesty if they reach the border.

  2. Speaking of meh-he-co..

    John Daniel Davidson, Political Editor at The Federalist, (who’s beat has been Mexico/reporting on immigration) discussed a rather depressing theory/prediction.

    I’ve heard many people say, “our political leaders want us to become more like socialist EU”.

    Davidson points out it’s highly unlikely we’ll follow in EU footsteps, instead more likely Mexico.
    If you look at the historical level of distrust the citizens have, the level of corruption in their govt (including military and police), institutional failure, coupled with divisions among classes, America is rapidly melding into Mexico, no where close to EU.

    Aside from a few uprisings (Yellow Vests), Europeans place much more trust in their institutions and govt than Americans, having awakened,and it’s on both sides, antifa anarchists and patriots.

    You can’t look away from all the video footage and independent sourcing, and deny govt agencies (possibly military) are instigating this, and now 20,000+ pages The Patriot Act (which was drawn up and dated 1/05) will be quickly passed by Congress w/Biden’s blessing.

    It’s an interesting listen (39 min). He cites a few observations pertaining to the middle class in Mexico and how they’ve essentially given up, accepted, and “adjusted”.

  3. In years past, they had no problem letting them in. They knew they were just passing through to the US.

    It almost looks like Mexico doesn’t think they’re just passing through anymore.

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