Beijing Biden urges Republicans to Betray Party and Be a Traitorous POS Like Mitt Romney – IOTW Report

Beijing Biden urges Republicans to Betray Party and Be a Traitorous POS Like Mitt Romney

In other words, Joe Xiden finally puts the shovel to Mitt Romney.

20 Comments on Beijing Biden urges Republicans to Betray Party and Be a Traitorous POS Like Mitt Romney

  1. If most of them were not already there we wouldn’t be in the position we are in.

    BTW: I received another notification on FB that I am one of Romney’s biggest supporters and I should pick up my “medal.” I have never posted a comment in support of him. I have never posted a comment that could be construed as being in support of him. Nonetheless they think I support him.

    Most of the comments under Romney’s posts are ratioed overwhelmingly against him. Someone asked “If you hate him so much, why do you follow him?” I answered the same as I did the last time someone asked that question: “I don’t follow him. He just shows up.” Why that is I don’t know.

  2. @Kamala: The sacred underwear that Romney wears, he must keep it on day and night. It must also be worn when entering a temple, hence its name. When taking a shower, he sticks one leg out the shower door with his foot still clinging to the garment (it must be touching him at all times!) How whacked is that – right up there with the female muzzies wearing the Jihab.

  3. “Nothing like being acknowledged that you’re a fucking traitor by the leader of the Communist Party to further your career there Willard.”

    -the dirtball

    That wins my award for today’s “perfect sentence on the Internet.”

    (Fixed a spelling error, dirtball, please forgive.)

    (I know, I know. This award is in great demand, so be patient. Anyone here could win it! So, stay tuned. You could be the next winner!!)

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