Speaking of “The Big Lie” – IOTW Report

Speaking of “The Big Lie”

Patriot Retort: Last week, Joe Biden compared Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley to Joseph Goebbels saying “They’re part of the Big Lie, the Big Lie. I was being reminded by a friend of mine, and maybe you were with me, I can’t recall, when we told that, you know, Goebbels and the great lie, you keep repeating the lie, repeating the lie….”

Aaand then he rambled for a few minutes.

Yeah. Quite a thing to hear from the guy claiming he’s restoring the soul of the nation, ain’t it?

Also ironic coming from the guy who chose, as his Inauguration Theme, “America United.”


Talk about the Big Lie.

Just this week, Biden announced that Federal economic assistance to small businesses hurt by COVID lockdowns will be prioritized based on skin color.

Because nothing says “America United” like segregation! read more

23 Comments on Speaking of “The Big Lie”

  1. Keep digging Joe.

    You’ve always been a STUPID ASSHOLE.
    May all your proclaimed “friends” cringe at how big an asshole you are !

  2. “We can’t have unity without accountability.”

    “Purge the hate = Unity for all.”

    “We’re not united unless you think exactly like me.”

    Accountability means anyone in congress or senate that said anything positive about Trump needs to be EXPELLED or resign immediately. All citizens who voted for Trump need to be canceled from retail, payment processing, job market, and the internet. Children of Trump voters need to be taken away to re-educate the last 4 years of their HORRID life into a proper progressive lifestyle.

    THEN we will all be united… as scum sucking democrats! Someone say UTOPIA!?

  3. When our leaders make public statements, they should first ask themselves if what they are saying is unifying or dividing. Especially so when they are talking about “healing” our nation.

    But they won’t, because they really don’t want that, it would defeat their strategy pf retaining power for themselves by setting the people against one another.

    But a reporter could ask them that question when they say something divisive, is that statement unifying or dividing, but I doubt they will either and for the same reasons.

  4. Those were blisterng speeches yesterday from Republican leadership about our rights being trampled.
    Oh. Wait. That NEVER HAPPENED.
    – We’ve been abandoned by our own party.

  5. mike
    JANUARY 13, 2021 AT 9:22 AM
    “cruz and hawley just happen to be possile strong contenders for the next presidential race and outspoken against dems…shut em up!”

    …Dominion says no.

    …you’re a little culture lagged there.

    Your “president” is selected now, there is no vote but a show vote.

    This will be extended to all down ticket races next time.

    We have entered the era of communist party rule.

  6. “Truth is the First Casualty of War.”

    And the nihilists (socialists, communists, national socialists, inter-national socialists, demonrats, republicans – whatever you choose to call them) are fighting an undeclared war against America and western civilization. We are in the midst of it – it’s not coming – it’s HERE.

    Joe is incapable of relating facts, much less truth.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. MJA
    JANUARY 13, 2021 AT 9:07 AM
    The House is coming for Liz Cheney. heeheehee

    The only house I want to see coming for her has landed atop her and the stolen ruby red slippers.

  8. I wouldn’t be shocked if We see the Chicom Troops disguised as UN Troops on the

    Ground the Day They try to Arrest Trump….Biden’s handlers will then try

    to use Them to confiscate all of the Guns…We’re going to see a lot of

    People just disappear….Like most of Our remaining Freedoms…

    Will the United States of America end on a Bang…or a Whimper?

  9. TN Tuxedo
    JANUARY 13, 2021 AT 9:35 AM
    “Well, it’s a good thing we can all identify as African Americans now!”

    …I went over this the other day, when Hank Johnson called me a Negro.


    …every time I go to take a wizz, I have proof that either that’s not true or certain sayings of common wisdom as pertain to specific physical attributes by race were the REAL lie, take your pick…

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