Florida Lawmaker Demands State Cut Ties With Tech Giants: They Decide Who They Do Business With — So Do We – IOTW Report

Florida Lawmaker Demands State Cut Ties With Tech Giants: They Decide Who They Do Business With — So Do We

Federalist: Florida state Rep. Randy Fine is asking Gov. Ron DeSantis and his Cabinet to scrutinize and order the “immediate divestment of any Florida-held equity and debt” with the five big tech giants.

In his letter, the Republican representative noted that Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Apple, and Google are using their platforms to target and discriminate against conservatives, a decision Fine said can be punished by the state.

“They may get to decide who they do business with. So do we,” Fine wrote. MORE

SNIP: Support your state legislators when they’re doing something right!
Rep. Randy Fine-R (FL-53)

9 Comments on Florida Lawmaker Demands State Cut Ties With Tech Giants: They Decide Who They Do Business With — So Do We

  1. ChickenCheeks (lol. love that)

    Just type ‘conservative marketplace’
    Usually a site will have a link to a friendly store or two.

    As for myself: Even if they’re libtards, as long as they keep their hyperbolic mouth shut, I can deal with them. But, we shall see.

  2. From a FL resident who lives in “Fine” district. This guy makes Lindsey Graham and Liz Cheney look like a conservative. He almost lost his seat this year so maybe he is trying to change his tune, but he is NOT conservative. He likes to see his name in print. Conservatives in my area are working to get him out of office. He voted to change the age of purchasing a rifle to 21 (Marjory Stoneman law) plus supports red flag laws. He’s a RINO

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