Refuse to Be Silenced – IOTW Report

Refuse to Be Silenced


Parler’s gone for now, the victim of a conspiracy to silence, but it will return. The fascists can try, but they can’t shut us up forever. Truth flows like water around obstacles. The Twitbookgram decided to start playing whack-a-prole to bonk unapproved ideas on the noggin and pretty soon too many heads will be popping up out of too many new holes. They will pop up on Gab, or Clouthub, or Dave Rubin’s People will find a way to be heard.

Once you leave their personal domains, the tech overlords become…irrelevant, and powerless.

Now, they can conspire, collaborate, and likely violate antitrust laws, though it is hilarious to assume that a Biden* DoJ will find anything out of sorts about that. The Democrat Party, and far too many Fredocon hacks in the GOP, are bought and paid for. They are happy to auction themselves off in a bidding war between Silicon Valley and Beijing. And there are a few remaining Muh Free Enterprisers who confuse capitalism and monopoly corporatism, and who are happy to surrender their sovereignty if their twisted principles so demand. But there is only so much the silicon villains can do. Eventually, some enterprising entrepreneur in Latvia is going to have a server farm no one in Cupertino can switch off.

They are shooting their wad, as far as the corporate tech censorship goes. It’s a hassle right now, but we will not be gagged. more

23 Comments on Refuse to Be Silenced

  1. Around the mid eighties I began to realize my world was changing rapidly. The people who were always stopping by or asking if you wanted to get together weren’t coming around. When I went to look them up I would find them staring at a box with a blue glow on their face. The internet! I resisted until approx 7 or 8 years ago and finally purchased a handheld device. Though I originally purchased it because it gave me the ability to shop for materials to help me in my carpentry jobs without making wasted trips to the building supplies to find they were out of stock or didn’t carry what I was looking for. I now spend too much time on my device when I could be doing more productive things. But it has become my only source for info but the internet gods make the facts hard to find. Still haven’t fallen in the social site trap though

  2. “I’d love to see some New York megabank explaining to an Oklahoma jury why it refused to give Bob a loan for a new truck because his last one had a “TRUMP 2020” sticker on it.”

    I’d like to see Bob prove that was the cause of the denial unless the bank was stupid enough to state it as such, and in a written manner, which I doubt would be the stated cause.

  3. American Thinker has been partially silenced. See article titled “Statement” on their website today in which they printed statement under duress of being sued by Dominion that agreed that there was no election fraud by that company. Yesterday they closed comments.

    This is very disturbing. Everyone needs to get off social media, cancel accounts, and look for platforms that do not depend on Big Tech. Bite the bullet. Get your own web servers. Use open source software. Sell advertising on your websites the old-fashioned way.

  4. Stop putting your entire life on your smart phone or device. Get a desktop computer, and cabled (not wireless) internet service. Stop with the “Internet of things” — no one needs a talking refrigerator or Alexa or a garage door opener you can check from work. Learn to back up everything off-line, and carry phone numbers and addresses on paper with you when you travel. Avoid anything GPS to the extent possible. (Don’t sell that 20-year-old truck that isn’t a traveling computer.) Put your licenses and credit cards into a faraday bag. Move as much as possible to low-tech backup systems. Refuse to do “virtual” anything wherever that’s reasonably possible. Don’t make yourself vulnerable.

  5. Word study for the day:
    ABIDE and BIDE

    1) Abide = accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation). “I said I would abide by their decision”
    comply with · obey · observe · follow · keep to · hold to · conform to
    informal (can/could not abide) be unable to tolerate (someone or something). “if there is one thing I cannot abide it is a lack of discipline” (of a feeling or memory) continue without fading or being lost.

    2. BIDE – To remain in a condition or state, To wait; tarry, To stay: bide at home. To be left; remain.

    Wil I abide by the new Kommander-in-thief or will I bide my time?

    Or will I allow my Nationalism, America First belief, and faith in God to be rendered obsolete? What will you do fiends?

  6. “Peace isn’t merely the absence of conflict, but the presence of justice.

    War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest thing. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing he cares about more than his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”

    – John Stuart Mill

  7. It’s disheartening to know just how few people see the big picture yet.
    Most are so easily deceived and manipulated. The evil bastards are keeping the temperature up specifically to keep citizens turned on one another.

  8. I really appreciate the flow of intelligent comments made by many well read commenters on this site. I enjoy the ribald commenters as well; and shyly join them at times myself! I visit this site to grow through the shared wisdom, and faith of this community of loving saints and sinners like myself. Thank you all for your love you often express to those who are suffering in any way. God bless all who read this note!

  9. Why is it legal for a private liberal business to ban anyone they want but not legal for a private republican business to ban anyone they want?

    I’ll tell you why. REpublicans in congress and the senate. They are the only ones who could stop it. And they didn’t do it.

  10. The Claw of Bluegrass,

    You are aware of simple CB mods and what they can do?

    CB’s ae almost free at garage sales and flea markets, look for ones with SSB capability.

    It isn’t illegal to mod them as long as you only listen and don’t transmit, and it is actually legal to use them to transmit during an emergency without a license if there are no other means of communication available.

  11. Ham radio linear Amps. work on CB’s, but over 5 watts transmission is a no no.
    Amplified reception is not though.
    CB’s for local activity; ham with a little horsepower gets you the world.

  12. XXX
    Its legal because the radical left wing of the GOP said so; when they overrode Don’s veto. Same as when GWB had L. Lerner go after conservatives.

    Lefties like Adam H. hate Amerians so they hate the Constitution. Speech is only free for America haters like GWB and Adam. Because they say so and
    *** JOHN ROJBERTS. !@#?$^?! ***


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