Full declassification of Obamagate documents coming as soon as Friday – IOTW Report

Full declassification of Obamagate documents coming as soon as Friday

h/t Who Sent you?

35 Comments on Full declassification of Obamagate documents coming as soon as Friday

  1. I’ll believe it when I see it. By my count, this has got to be the 9,435,913,956,136,591th time I heard this or that was gonna be declassified… Now, let’s have a chin wag about “redaction”.

  2. I don’t think anything will happen because my case of blue-balls is chronic at this point. However, I did decide to augment my MRE/ Freeze-dried food. So I went to Sav-aLot and noticed that all of the crappy canned pasta and ramen was all gone. Even the normals are getting a little spooked? Plenty of TP thought. what gives?

  3. Heatsync
    JANUARY 14, 2021 AT 8:34 PM
    ….Hope to God Trump has reliable people working on this.

    Name one reliable person in the Trump admin throughout the four years.

  4. The truth shall be erased:

    JANUARY 14, 2021 AT 8:34 PM
    ….Hope to God Trump has reliable people working on this.

    Name one reliable person in the Trump admin throughout the four years.”

    I know what you mean. He seems to have the Midas touch in reverse when it comes to picking personnel.

  5. Who knows how long it took Trump to collect them all.
    I think he waited til now to dump documents to troll biden with them.
    And that’s when Greene draws up impeachment papers, so it will forever stay in the news. They can’t not talk about it, because it involves Trump.
    Good troll.

    And guess what they’ll use when they finally decide to dump biden?
    This and hunter. lol.

  6. It just chap’s me that El Chumpo Odumbo walks around free when he should be awaiting the gallows. The shitbag has got to be orchestrating all the dirt they are slinging at Trump.

  7. The untouchable couple of Martha’s Vineyard will be blacked out (cough, cough) from the Big Reveal.

    Hillary “Epoisses Pussy” Clinton will also be noticeably absent from the docs.

  8. They could release everything, including proof that Ø-bungo is an alien of the UFO variety and the memory hole would swallow it all in 30 minutes. Any reference to the docs would be shouted down with DEBUNKED! There are times when the truth is just not enough.

  9. Sherlock
    I’m jealous I wish I could watch Gunsmoke, especially the black and white episode’s.

    Favorite new podcast on YouTube is Duck Call Room with Uncle Si, it is hilarious. 😂

  10. Good 🗽 🦅 🤯
    Oh, let the sun beat down upon my face
    And stars fill my dream
    I’m a traveler of both time and space
    To be where I have been
    To sit with elders of the gentle race
    This world has seldom seen
    They talk of days for which they sit and wait
    All will be revealed


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