Canadian government to introduce online “hate speech” regulations in early 2021 – IOTW Report

Canadian government to introduce online “hate speech” regulations in early 2021

Reclaim the Net:

Canada’s ruling Liberal Party has made tackling online “hate speech” a major priority.

The Canadian government plans to introduce “comprehensive” regulations that target “hate speech” on social media platforms.

The regulations will reportedly be tabled in 2021 and are being introduced “to promote a safer and more inclusive online environment.”

A briefing note on the new regulations from Canadian Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault’s department stated:

“We are working to introduce regulations to reduce the spread of illegal content, including hate speech, in order to promote a safer and more inclusive online environment. We want to protect Canadians online.”

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17 Comments on Canadian government to introduce online “hate speech” regulations in early 2021

  1. It will be a real beaut that sounds like it has such awesome compassion for those who are being insulted.

    In reality it will be anything a conservative says is against the law and anything a libtard says is a truth that must be said.

    It’s us or them. There is no middle ground.

  2. Just so you know-
    I had to delete the Roger Stone’s wife getting attacked while walking her dog story that Dr. Tar put up, because it linked to Gateway Pundit and they removed their story.

  3. Crap! I’ll probably get on some combined government list that will keep me from entering Canada to see my mom and now they’ll probably block my calls and emails. Fricken technology.

  4. I thought everyone “guilty” of hate speech have been expunged from social media platforms.
    If they’re not allowed to participate in civil discourse, who else needs to be reminded of these rules?

  5. “We want to protect Canadians online.”

    Your cheesedick government can’t even protect Canadians from a soyboy in blackface. The fug do you think you can do against THE ENTIRE WORLD.

    Canadians will continue to give up their lunch money online.

    :Makes hitting motion:
    :entire nation of Canada flinches:
    “THAT’S TWO!”
    :punches a whimpering Canada in the arm:

  6. @ Gunny. Canada has a first past the post system of “democracy”, not a needed Republic with an electoral college system with severe term limits. The french in the east, by mother tongue, not always the one they use, invariably vote leftist or separatist. Everything from east of the Ontario border, bot including Toronto is usually, is usually ideologues looking for free stuff. And they have in the so called constitution, a sharing mechanism that makes the working provinces subsidize the lazy ones of liberal ilk. And the current pretty boy in the Pm chair is an effing moron who literally said immigrants from the 3rd world make better Canadians than the citizens.

  7. @ Gunny. Canada has a first past the post system of “democracy”, not a needed Republic with an electoral college system with severe term limits. The french in the east, by mother tongue, about 20%, not always the one they use, invariably vote leftist or separatist. Everything from east of the Ontario border, but including Toronto is usually ideologues looking for free stuff. And they have in the so called “constitution”, a sharing mechanism that makes the working provinces subsidize the lazy ones of liberal ilk. And the current pretty boy in the Pm chair is an effing moron who literally said immigrants from the 3rd world make better Canadians than the citizens. The pm loved zero, hated Trump, loves Joey. And Canada is totally effed.

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