Pandemic Security Theater – IOTW Report

Pandemic Security Theater


After the start of the Covid pandemic, my local Harris Teeter grocery store in Montgomery County, Maryland made extensive changes, including placing eight-foot high plexiglass screens between every one of its nine self-service checkout stations. However, a few months ago, one panicky customer complained to the local health department that he felt unsafe at the store. A health inspector swooped in and threatened to shut down the grocery store unless they blocked access to a third of their self-service checkouts. As a result, the store now sometimes has long lines of people waiting to check out and presumably increasing their exposure to Covid while tarrying.

The inspector also forced the store to designate one of its two eight-foot wide entrances, each with a sequence of two automatic opening doors, as an “exit only.” The store initially taped a few little “exit only” signs to the exterior. A few weeks later, a county inspector returned to the scene (maybe sparked by another local resident who forgot to take their Xanax before shopping?) and issued new commands to the store. The result: now the doors are plastered with at least four “exit signs” as well as a three-foot high folding “exit” sign close enough to trip people who weren’t paying attention.

This is pure Pandemic Security Theater. If people could catch the virus from passing momentarily in a wide doorway, then all the grocery store clerks as well as most subway and bus passengers would have been struck down by Covid long ago. 

On Thursday, I was making a quick mid-afternoon run to that store and headed for the doors I always used adjacent to the parking lot. I saw a customer getting ready to exit so I paused 10 feet away from the door. He was pushing his loaded grocery cart through the double set of doors – until he saw me. He instantly pulled his cart back and the second set of automatic doors closed while he stared at me like he’d seen a viral demon poised to strike him down.   more here

20 Comments on Pandemic Security Theater

  1. I’m sad to report that despite the mask mandate not even loosely being enforced that 90%+ of customers in the local stores are wearing them. Many are exiting their cars already masked up. I get a wide berth from a lot of them as well but so far no one has said shit to me.

    I know I’m not imposing like Brad, maybe the vibe? Yet when people are pleasant, even with masks on, so am I.

    It’s the fear porn the media pumps out and now that TPTB have done a 360 on lockdowns, I’ll be curious to see some clips of them hummahummaing their pretzel logic.

  2. My local stores (King Soopers and Safeway) have not gone to that extreme … yet. However, I laugh every time I go to the store early in the morning (I am a sick, twisted, evil morning person) and the employees are all walking around with their masks off, or pulled down, but they quickly pull them up when they see me.

  3. And who is this contagious disease expert and where were they educated to make these changes. And, why keep changing things and not do it right the first time?
    It’s because they didn’t know what they were doing in the first place!

  4. “…my local Harris Teeter grocery store in Montgomery County, Maryland…”
    I grew up there. I now live in an adjacent county.
    I call it The Peoples Republic of Montgomery County.

  5. I was at Total Wine & More here in Vegas last week buying my medicinal tequila per usual.
    They require masks so I wear a hand-made fabric mask I made from a shirt sleeve.
    Anyway, I was already at the check out and some jackwagon said “excuse me, excuse me…can you put your mask above your nose?”
    I was taken aback at first then said, “do you work here?” He said no.
    I said well then, mind your own business.
    Keep in mind, this clown was not in line, he kept 12 feet away.
    He kept it up and I told him to fuck off.
    The manager came over because he had to fix a wrong price on some triple-sec.
    The guy started to blast the manager, asked him “why do you allow this?”
    I said, because I just spent 200 dollars and you are buying a crap 8 dollar bottle of wine.
    I then told the guy to put his money where his mouth is and “MAKE ME pull my mask up.
    He didn’t do shit. The manager never said a word to me.
    I pulled my mask off as I walked out the door.
    The asshole was still bitching at the clerks when I left.
    I took my time leaving and I would have punched the dude but I didn’t want to get banned from the store.
    Next time, they won’t get such consideration from me.
    Generally these assholes attack women and children.
    If I ever witness that I will definitely fight someone.

  6. All the businesses here enforce masks. My brother was escorted out of one by three cops. He’s a disabled vet with serious sinus issues.
    General Mills went so far as to send notices to all independent contractors (friends got them), she also called and sent notices to district managers of big box chains and all stores that if they don’t comply she will yank their business licenses.
    There is a fb group called “No Mask, No Service” who are maskhole vigilantes who live to turn everyone in.
    She has also dictated all businesses close by 9 pm.
    We got useless see through masks from and there’s nothing anyone can say. They are cloth face coverings.

  7. I was pleasantly surprised Thursday when I stopped for lunch at Brown Bear Deli in Post Falls, Id. and I didn’t have to wear a damn mask. No one bothered me, everyone in there was not wearing a mask and it was like being back to normal for a change. And they have great sandwiches, I had a great Reuben sandwich with double pastrami, it was well worth stopping there for lunch.

  8. I can claim victimhood! Yay!

    Masks and hand sanitizer don’t do shit. My wife and I caught the CHINK FLU a few days ago and it’s been a real pain in the ass but nothing that OTC meds can’t control. From the start we’ve always masked up, worn gloves, used sanitizer, limited our outings to supply runs only.

    Since we came down with the CHUNK FLU Our local health network has been great but their non-stop texts are getting annoying. I keep texting back I DONT WANT TO GO ON THE CART. I FEEL HAPPY! but I don’t think they’ve seen monty python 😟

  9. Whilst I am not a flu denier…. I will not comply. I will not wear a mask. I will not stay at home. I WILL continue to conduct business as usual. I have successfully staved off the flu for 63 seasons. I hope to survive more.
    God bless us all. Keep the faith.

    By the way, can any of you appreciate what PDJT has been up against with admittedly some 80 to 90 % of kunts scared silly??? I thought we were AMERICANS!

  10. “This is pure Pandemic Security Theater. If people could catch the virus from passing momentarily in a wide doorway, then all the grocery store clerks as well as most subway and bus passengers would have been struck down by Covid long ago.”

    I’ve been saying this since week 1.

    The touching of common places like door handles on refrigerated and freezer cases, shopping carts, pin pads, etc, (without gloves on – and who’s wearing gloves lately?) means your mask is irrelevant at that point. The clerks should be dropping like flies and they aren’t.

    THAT’S real science. Something observable and testable.

    We all know how any death is likely to be listed as covid, they even admitted that at the beginning. Dr Birk said so.

    This plandemic is purely political control over we-the-people.

    As angry as I get about this fact, I have to try hard not to go off on the brainwashed sheep I meet that believe every word the propagandist media tells them. They can’t think straight or apply logic on their own at all.

    That said, I spent the day yesterday working about 60 miles from Dallas and the only people that were wearing masks were behind counters where their employer forces them to.

    Way different from the Dem area I live in in east Dallas.

  11. I go mask-less everywhere…. Our local Wal-Mart, where I get my prescriptions filled, has “Mask Suggesters” at the door. Recently, they have been placing their bigger, tougher looking employees at the entrance to intimidate people. When I went to pick my pills up the other day, there was a familiar face at the entrance telling me I need a mask… here’s how that conversation went.

    Maskhole: Obviously not recognizing me “Sir, you need a mask”
    Me: “Nope”
    Maskhole: “Sir… ”
    Me: “Hey. Do you remember 4 years ago when you were at the RedMen Club, drunk and acting like an asshole and you grabbed my girlfriends tits and I beat the shit out of you? Good times, huh?”
    Me: “I’m going to get my pills. Do you have a problem with that?”
    Maskhole: “No”

    Thus the conversation ended. I got my pills. He kept his teeth.
    I have no time or patience for those that believe I should place limitations on my liberty because of their fears.

  12. One of the 3 richest counties in the US, it is full of DC government incompetents who get paid to write crap, federal regulations like this all day long for 300k a year.
    I love it when it bites them on the ass.


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