FBI, State officials aware early on Steele made major mistake in Russia reporting – IOTW Report

FBI, State officials aware early on Steele made major mistake in Russia reporting

Just The News: Shortly before the FBI used his dossier to secure a surveillance warrant targeting the Trump campaign, Christopher Steele met with State Department officials and relayed information suggesting Moscow was running an operation out of the Russian consulate in Miami.

There was just one problem with his intelligence: The Russians didn’t have a consulate in Florida’s largest city.

The anecdote, captured in contemporaneous memos and newly released testimony, illustrates just how bad some of Steele’s intelligence reporting was and how widely that was known inside the FBI, even as the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court was being assured by the bureau that Steele was deemed credible and there was no derogatory information about his work.

Kenneth Laycock, the FBI’s current Executive Assistant Director, was a section chief for Eurasian intelligence in fall 2016 when Steele made a visit to Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec at the State Department.

During the October 2016 meeting, Steele admitted he was leaking to the news media while working as an FBI informant, a violation of his confidential human source agreement. (He later was terminated for it.) And he also relayed the anecdote about the Russian operation out of the Miami consulate, which officials immediately flagged as false, according to Kavalec’s own notes of the meeting.

“It is important to note that there is no Russian Consulate in Miami,” Kavalec wrote. more here

5 Comments on FBI, State officials aware early on Steele made major mistake in Russia reporting

  1. The sad part is all of this was known in 2017. Sundance at CTH smoked most of it out even without any documentation. The Narrative was set to take away any mandate the voters gave Trump. Coordinated with EVERY Branch and alphabet agency in the federal government. Some of these people think that what they did was justified… But that pendulum will be swinging back in their direction soon enough. They can run and hide behind the media but that will only last so long.

  2. None of this matters. They all got away with Sedition with the help of the Main Stream Dementiacrat Media and the political party that has foisted Dementia Joe Obiden Bama and Kalamity on us as a substitute for President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton. Aided and abetted by a mostly gutless Republican Party. Now, they get to claim that a mob of Trump Supporters attempted to take over the government in an act of Insurrection and Sedition. This supposed Coup would be laughed out of most Latin American Capitals as an a Coup without a Clue.

  3. I knew within milifractions of a nanosecond that this thing was nothing but unmitigated and unexpurgated

    My first clue was the obvious collusion between Hillary’s speech center and her voicebox when the words “Russian Collusion” spewed out her piehole that first time

    Of course, this is a bridge too far for some. So my back up proof is to point out that Russia is the world’s leading exporter of has and oil. Its fundamental to the Russian economy. Which means the idea that Putin would interfere in an election for the first time to help someone who supports fracking is preposterous

    And if you didnt know this fact about Russia, you could have learned it by spending five minutes reading the Wikipedia entry on Russia

  4. Another time consuming research was the time I spent almost a half a minute to learn that George Floyd’s 11ngs of fentanyl was in fact a lethal dose

    After spending 15 seconds typing the proper search request, I noted that the VERY FIRST blurb answered my question … 7ngs when combined with other drugs will kill you

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