Signal is a government op – IOTW Report

Signal is a government op

Signal was created and funded by a CIA spinoff. It is not your friend.

If you look at Signal’s website today, you’ll find all sorts of celebrity endorsements —  Edward Snowden, Laura Poitras, and even Jack Dorsey.

Signal — the privacy chat app favored by the world’s leading crypto experts — is trending again. In the wake of Twitter and Facebook’s MAGA Maidan Internet purge (which was followed by Facebook’s announcement that it was gonna start siphoning data off its WhatsApp property), Signal shot up to being the top downloaded messenger app on the planet.

The New York Times is writing about it. Edward Snowden is tweeting about it, telling his fans that Signal is the only reason he’s able to stay alive (and not the fact that he’s being protected round-the-clock by Russia’s security apparatus.) Hell, Even Elon Musk is out there telling people to go Signal. So many people are flooding the app that it’s been crashing.


38 Comments on Signal is a government op

  1. There’s so much shit to wade through….When I find myself unable to just walk next door, I think I’ll go back to a soup can on a string or carrier pigeon for those unwilling to pay for an extra length of string.

  2. There’s not much on line I trust. And quite frankly I say to much. But if the battle for our country is between us and the FBI/CIA, Obama Brown shirts, I’m good with that. The Military by oath needs to steer clear. The CIA and FBI excel at killing unarmed women and children. They also excel at getting killed by armed foes. They’re stupid. But then again I’m a comedian that knows a few of them.

  3. My BS detector is screaming. First, the story behind Signal’s creation is incomplete, but if you buy the book, you‘all be honored with more. Second, Edward Snowden, public enemy #1, is being hoodwinked? Somehow I think not. So Parler is in the open and readable by all, but Signal is not Olson text, but Signal is a government “gotcha,” but Parler is more dangerous. Destroy Parler but leave Signal intact. Not buying it.

  4. I remember relative anonymity.
    I remember the lack of public cameras.
    I remember when barcode conspiracy theories weee laughed at.
    I remember when disgruntled citizens could take effective action without being dragged to jail.
    That world is gone.
    I don’t want to live in this technocratic circle jerk.

  5. The country as we understood it no longer exists and, short of a miracle, gone. Google pulls the strings controlling the government. They are deeply entangled with intelligence and defense in fact inseparable.

  6. @brad
    Propane. Sure.
    The image in the article… damn lot of smoke for a barn at that distance, maybe.
    Silage gas could bring down a barn, if attached.
    Damn lot of smoke for a barn, though, a barn so close to a muni.

  7. Brad, the war we are in is like women’s sports allowing men to compete.
    I don’t know what it will take for everyone to get onboard?
    Supposedly, suburban housewives turned against Trump in the last election.
    The MSM succeeded in their flat out lies.
    Perhaps the housewives will get what they deserve shoved up their ignorant asses?

  8. BTW, that comment about ignorant housewives IN NO FUCKING WAY discounts the fact that the election was stolen.
    Blowden couldn’t get near the vote count they say.
    He is a sad, geriatric sack of shit with some fake ignorant cunt wife that insists on being called doctor! LOL

  9. Come on Brad, the odds have been stacked against President Trump.
    Do you think he really has any options now?
    He just needs to pardon a bunch of patriots on his way out the door.
    We learned how deep and infested the swamp is on his watch.
    2016 was like a lone man hitting the beaches of Normandy, 6-6-44

    He needs to get the fuck out of town on the 20th and fight another day.
    At the very least, he has Mar a Lago, Melania, a beautiful family with Ivanka, etc.
    Golf and be a kingmaker from now on.
    The people see the truth now…

  10. Loco

    I’m thinking he had them set up five ways from Sunday. What happened. Out of town or not, the left wants to kill him and then torture his corpse. They’re fucking whacked.

  11. The fact that they are going after him so hard on his way out the door should make patriots mad enough to kill.
    Extremely mad enough to no longer stand for the bullshit.
    Like piglosi said, “its’ a wonder people aren’t tearing shit down”…
    I am paraphrasing because I don’t speak Noon vodka martini…

  12. We officially gave up our constitutional right to privacy with the so called “Patriot” act.

    The federal government has your personal data down to the molecular level.

    Every phone call, text. online search query, web page, comment, financial transaction, location visited, etc..

    The CIA and NSA developed and control Big Tech, they have owned the media and entertainment since the 50’s.

    They own the Demonrat and Repussican partys and the Supreme Court.

    Every “free” nations intel apparatus belongs to the global cabal.

    Our proverbial goose is cooked and the stolen election was a mere demonstration to us rubes of their power.

    Now the installation of comummism begins with blinding speed.

    The Oligarchs and rich elites are on board and protected (for now) and the middle class, Caucasians, Christians, and patriots will now be cancel, removed and destroyed.

    PDJT will be incarcerated and his family and supporters will be made a example of. Just look at Cruz and Hawley.

    Unless this troop build up is designed to trap the cabal of the deep state insiders and jail them then all is lost.

    If the cabal can inaugurate senile pervert idiot and get away with it we are done as a nation.

  13. Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the internet, became so disgusted with the megalomaniacal tech barons, he decided to start a new version of the internet (Solid w/Solid Pods) whereby you would own your own data. Testing phases now, roll out should be June 2021.

    Great. I checked it out, read thru as much tech lingo as I could muster and then perused the FAQs. If you have a basic-to-mid level tech understanding you could store your own Pod at home, or opt for storing it with a “Pod Provider”, and your data is still encrypted with only you having the “key” to access.

    Ok, so far so good. I looked up the current pod providers, one in UK, one in Germany, and two in US. Guess who serves as both US providers? Amazon and Amazon.

    To avoid further paranoia, I think I’m reduced to eye blinking Morse code from here on out.

  14. “Signal” was a magazine published by the Wehrmacht during WWII.
    Kinda funny that they’d choose that name.
    But, then, “ANTIFA” was an underground Stalinist organization designed to sow discord and perform political assassinations in late-war Germany.
    Not very creative, these maggots, are they?
    Monkey See; Monkey Do.

    izlamo delenda est …

  15. @Brad
    Maybe they are covering up a rat hole to keep the rats from going in and out?
    Seems to me I read that it’s the Year of the rat in China.
    That seems to fit here as well.


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