Watch: John Sullivan was featured in Uber commercial – IOTW Report

Watch: John Sullivan was featured in Uber commercial



Capitol invader, far left terrorist John Sullivan, was featured in an Uber commercial.

23 Comments on Watch: John Sullivan was featured in Uber commercial

  1. This guy was clearly caught inciting trouble in the capital but the masters of “newthink” will make him a hero. We’re watching this insanity unfold now.
    The effort is to bombard us with propaganda until we begin to doubt our core principles and beliefs. It’s psychological torment so that our movement fractures and collapses.

  2. As the PSYOP continues, you will no doubt notice that the perpetrators of the Republic’s downfall are consistently young and members of a socially protected minority, making it impossible for anyone to speak out against their actions without being called a racist sexist bigoted homophobic white nationalist.

  3. So?

    Post and preach it o Leftist sites or you’re just preaching to the choir.

    Start with places like Huffpo, they’re pretty widely read and influential.

    The Leftists are the ones that need to know the truth.

    I’d do it myself but they won’t let me on there anymore, haven’t since they first started registration and tracking to post there.

  4. What we Know.
    O-blow-me Joe and Kameltoe, can not be allowed in the White House.
    I think it will be a matter of who blinks first. What is the limit of what each side is willing to do, to gain/maintain control.
    While there is a little free speech left, I’d like to wish everyone the best, seeya on the other side.

    National Anthem for the week.
    Moonshine Bandits ~ Pass Me The Ammo

  5. he would be perfect in an american express commercial- as he is leading the rable he turns faces the camera flashes his amex card- don’t leave home without it.

  6. The photo depicts the look of a deeply disturbed malcontent. Poster boy for the new brown shirts.
    We’re living in a mirror image of pre world war II Germany.
    The fun’s just beginning!

  7. ecp
    I agree, but it seems the more you know, the deeper the swamp is. I almost envy the stupid people who haven’t got a clue. The rehabilitation camps will be needed for the disciples of MSM.

  8. Cmn¢¢guy, the trick is to not let it eat at you. There’s nothing you can do about things you can’t control. Just seeing small things like smug ass liberal cucks with their man buns and orangemanbad activist T-shirts used to get my blood boiling, but as soon as I convinced myself there’s nothing in the world I can say or do to actually change that circumstance (outside of criminal that would be worse on me), the stress melted away. Now that shit makes me laugh instead of cry. Turn that smug around, you’re doing a better thing when they hate you instead of the other way around.

    But realize at the same time you’re doing them a favor. Libtards thrive on being unhappy. It’s their platform. But also know they don’t win with their platform unless you are unhappy too.

  9. esp
    Not stressed, spending today on a little more prep. There are to many scenarios to worry about. It’s going to be interesting.
    We will have the story in the nursing home, “Yea, I remember January 2021……..
    If they let us live that long.

  10. Yeah, I can see why he’s an angry black man.

    Severely oppressed. Raised in an upper middle class family, travels from coast to coast, embeds with various groups (depending on how oppressed he feels that day), former Olympic hopeful, featured in commercials….all without a J. O. B.

    Horrible what “the man” has wrought on poor John.

  11. That mug shot screams, thug life just got real for trust fund anarchist twit Sullivan. His encounter with a hoodrat jail mate is written all over his face. LOL!


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