Cortez Blames Facebook CEO Zuckerberg For Capitol Chaos – IOTW Report

Cortez Blames Facebook CEO Zuckerberg For Capitol Chaos

Trending Politics:

The left’s conquest of President Trump by virtue of a stolen election has opened to door to factional infighting as the victors divvy up the spoils.

Lunchbucket Joe hasn’t even officially been sworn yet and already, the socialists who have been gaining in numbers within the House Of Representatives have been sniping over the measly $1,400 stimulus checks and the lack of diversity in Biden’s cabinet.

One of the socialists who doesn’t play well with others is now accusing Facebook, one of the social media platforms that played a key role in censoring Trump supporters while pitching in to drag Biden’s corpse across the finish line. more

18 Comments on Cortez Blames Facebook CEO Zuckerberg For Capitol Chaos

  1. For once I agree with this idiot, go after zuckerberg good and hard, make sure he gets his moneys worth for backing you and your ilk. Show those tech billionaires who’s boss. Make sure jack knows he’s next.

  2. Capitol “chaos”? What chaos is that? What happened in DC on the 6th was carefully orchestrated and choreographed as Der Ring des Nibelungen at the Festspielhaus in Bayreuth.

    …and as the Reichstag Fire.

  3. I want some of what the gal that made this statement for Farcebook was smoking.

    “Our enforcement’s never perfect, so I’m sure there were still things on Facebook — I think these events were largely organized on platforms that don’t have our abilities to stop hate, and don’t have our standards and don’t have our transparency,”

    Or possibly she’s from another planet!

  4. If you’re old enough to remember what happened when Ma Bell was broke up, BIG Tech is gonna be just like that. Remember the $$$ made on Baby Bell stock? I do. Be prepared to take advantage.

  5. @ Uncle Al

    Reichstag fire indeed. And with what is being put out by the main stream media, I’m expecting a ‘Night of the Long Knives’ 1/20/21. Wondering if blm/antifa are going to play the role of the SA?

  6. When you have a party comprised of disparate special interest groups, it is inevitable that conflicts arise between them. The “rainbow coalition” label has always been a public relations farce – lipstick on a pig, if you will. Unfortunately, in today’s times it has opened up the door for the extreme radical communists to fill the void. They are more organized and more focused than the “big tent rainbow” democrats ever were.

  7. What we have is a collection of craven actors who were only able to unite by their shared hatred. Now that the dragon has been slayed they’ll focus on each other with the same vicious vigor. Hopefully they’ll all suffer their own well deserved wounds.


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